
Friday, August 17, 2012

The Romney Covenant

I just launched a new website at www.TheRomneyCovenant.Com

As a former Republican for 30 years and an advocate of the Tea Party in 2009, I felt it was imperative that I put up this website to warn Tea Party members just who they are voting for.

While it's true that Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan both hate "government", they both have many different reasons. Romney, for his religious faith and the Mormon's history of conflict with the U.S. government; and Ryan, for his adoration of the Russian atheist Ayn Rand.

You'll still have "big government" with Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan, but the only difference is, your tax dollars will be going to the defense industry, rather than Medicare and Social Security.

Obama is no Socialist. Despite his early college-day associations with Marxists, Obama is actually to the right of the Democratic President FDR (who was elected unanimously by the deep south for 4 straight terms during the Great Depression and World War II.). Obama is even to the right of the Republican World War II general and war hero President Dwight D. Eisenhower!

I too once received all my information from Fox News and believed everything they told me. I believed Glenn Beck (the Mormon convert), Bill O'Reilly, and Sean Hannity...until I realized they were all multi-millionaires who were only looking out after their own self- interests, not ours.

The early Mormon pioneers were encouraged to keep diaries and journals. Most of the information cited in this website was derived from historians obtained through their logs and other records through time, academic articles and studies, including news sources and testimony from ex-Mormons (with some of my own personal opinions interjected).

Learn who Mitt Romney really is, and why he's been so secretive about his life and income tax returns. You might be surprised.


  1. Let's not forget the archaic views Mormons have on women too. Take it form someone who lives in Utah, the last thing America needs is a Mormon president.

  2. Let's not forget the archaic views Mormons have on women too. Take it form someone who lives in Utah, the last thing America needs is a Mormon president.
