
Saturday, February 9, 2013

Ann Romney, Meet Wendy Sachs: What Motherhood Should Pay

In one post I earlier wrote (Ann Romney Needs to get a REAL Job), I noted that "there are millions of women with children who go to work in America every day; not all because they chose a 'career' over being a stay-at-home mom, but out of economic necessity."

This is especially true when you consider that most working Americans can't afford to hire a housekeeper and/or a nanny when 50% of the workforce only earns $27,000 a year and has to survive on a two-income household.

Ann Romney had at least four under-paid housekeepers and illegal immigrants doing her landscaping. Even in their early years, the Romneys lived off stock options. They didn't have to work low-paying jobs delivering pizzas or driving an Oscar Mayer "Wienermobile" like Paul Ryan once did while still in college.

To Ann Romney, and all the "desperate" Housewives of Beverly Hills, I'd like to introduce you to Wendy Sachs...

How Much Would You Make if Motherhood was a Paid Position?
By Wendy Sachs on January 31, 2013 - Posted at ModernMom.Com

I’ve always had a hunch that I am being grossly underpaid. After all, shouldn’t I be more flush given that by 9 p.m. each night I’m so wiped that my body feels like it’s been mowed down by a Mack truck and I need a triple shot of espresso just to get me moving in the morning.

But recently, confirmed my suspicion. While I get bi-weekly direct deposits courtesy of my office gig in publicity, I’ve gotten bupkus over the past eight years for my vastly more complicated, messy, exhausting and yes, sometimes heartwarming career as Mommy.

According to, I should be earning $85,876 for the “mom job” portion of my work day while my stay-at-home mom friends deserve $112,962 for their various labors of love. Wow! Well, it’s no wonder why we moms feel so gypped. My eight years of lost wages would total a whopping $687,008. Jeez, with that kind of cash I may actually be able to afford sleepaway camp, braces, college or more importantly, a long overdue spa visit for me. calculated the mommy paycheck based on an algorithm that took into account hours worked and the job titles that best matched a mom’s definition of her work including: housekeeper, day care center teacher, cook, computer operator, laundry machine operator, janitor, facilities manager, van driver, CEO and psychologist. The less glam jobs like launderer and van driver yielded low hourly wages. But add up the oodles of hours worked together with the more skilled and higher paying professions of CEO and psychologist, and moms are apparently deserving of some serious cash.

While I applaud the website for putting a price on a mom’s worth even if it’s just a clever PR move, I think’s press release must have either been written by a guy trapped in a time warp or Dr. Laura. Trying to neutralize the harsh reality that women are screwed financially in their mom job, the press release sought out to prove that moms - at least good moms - have no needs, are utterly selfless and don’t give a hoot about money.

“The rewards I have by being there all the time in spite of my own needs are priceless,” said Laura Pennington, a stay-at-home mother of three from El Paso, Texas. “My children’s well-being and education are my priority regardless of the daily marathon I face from sun up to well after sun down.”

Seriously? Maybe this is one of the reasons our society doesn’t recognize the work we do. Sisters, where is the outrage? Ok, I get it that our rewards are not financial and that the mini painted flower pots, handmade cards and foam necklaces I got for Mother’s Day from my kiddies are indeed priceless. But until society truly appreciates a mother’s value in caring and raising her children, well, frankly nothing much more will change at home or in the workforce.

Some other interesting nuggets that came out of the study:

Working moms spend 44 hours per week at their “work job” and 49.8 hours at their “mom job” for a total of 93.8 hours a week.

The stay-at-home mom (without a nanny or housekeeper) works 91.6 hours at her "mom job".

Wendy Sachs is an award-winning television producer, former Capitol Hill press secretary and the author of the critically acclaimed book, How She Really Does It: Secrets of Successful Stay-at-Work Moms. Currently, Wendy works as a vice president at a NYC public relations agency. Her website:

* A related article from Forbes.Com - "Republicans Are Wrong: We Need More Equal Pay Litigation, Not Less"

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