
Saturday, July 18, 2015

Who's Afraid of Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders?

Elizabeth Warren just brought down the house at the Netroots Nation conference with one of the most powerful speeches of her career. On issue after issue — from Wall Street reform, to expanding Social Security, to debt-free college, to the revolving door (when government workers go to work for banks or corporations as lobbyists).

See the video of Elizabeth Warren's full speech at Netroots Nation. A slightly edited version of the transcript is here at the Huiffington Post to compare with Hillary's recent speech (text and video). Maybe that's why Hillary Clinton isn't expected to show up at the annual Netroots convention this year, which is often courted by Democratic presidential candidates.

ABC: "Clinton remains the dominant Democratic candidate, but one of her challenges in the primaries will be generating support among some liberals who have been hesitant to back her campaign, wary of her willingness to rein in Wall Street excess and her past support of trade deals".

Unlike Clinton, Senators Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders (who Warren’s backers for President now support) would reign in Wall Street, and are both against the new proposed trade deals such as TPP.

Netroots Nation organizers said that Democratic presidential candidates Bernie Sanders and Martin O'Malley have confirmed their attendance at the July 16-19 conference in Phoenix. Maybe Hillary is afraid of sharing a stage with Senators Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders. Clinton's campaign cited a scheduling conflict as her reason for not attending the conference in Phoenix (to attend a dinner in her home state of Arkansas).

Senator Bernie Sanders has recently moved his Phoenix, Arizona "town hall meeting" to a convention center for July 18th, because his campaign reported 8,000 RSVPs. Per the Phoenix News Times: "Sanders' will be speaking in a room designed to fit 10,000 people, but that has the possibility of moving walls so as to fit 12,000." (RSVP here)

From TruthOut: "It's clear the senator [Bernie Sanders] has unexpected levels of grassroots support among the Democratic Party base ... It's possible that Sanders' success is built on an anti-Clinton wave ... In early states, like New Hampshire and Iowa, polling hints that he is gaining ground on Clinton."

From the National Journal: "Her absence [at the Netroots Nation conference] and the hard feelings it is causing, once more point to Clinton's difficult relationship with her party's base ... Her last appearance at a Netroots conference was in 2007 when she was booed ... Eight years later, in her second run, a continued lack of enthusiasm for Clinton first led to an effort to persuade Warren to run for the White House, and is now fueling much of the excitement behind the huge crowds and impressive small-donor fundraising for Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont."

We're just waiting for an official endorsement of Bernie Sanders by Elizabeth Warren.

But in the mean time, it appears that Hillary might be afraid that Liz and Bernie will steal her "thunder" — so we can't wait to see what happens during the debates. Let's just hope that the moderator isn't a biased reporter that has ties to Hillary.

Feel the Burn!™

1 comment:

  1. My shorter version of Warren's speech is here...
