
Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Bernie Sanders: He...could...go...all...the...way!

But first, the news...

David Cay Johnston on flat wages, the minimum wage and labor unions: "Without real growth in wages, the economy cannot grow, because the capacity of people to buy goods and services will remain flat."

David Cay Johnston: How to Repeal the Tax Loophole That Allows Companies to Hide Their Profits in Offshore Accounts "If we want to address the inequality crisis, we must prevent corporations from sitting on hoards of untaxed cash."

Thousands of public U.S. companies are likely to soon be forced to share a number many would rather keep under wraps: how much more their chief executives make than their typical rank-and-file employees. [About CEO pay ratios, a provision in the Dodd-Frank bill that Democrats fought for.)

Friends of Joe Biden Worry a Run for President Could Bruise His Legacy: While the concern about Mr. Biden appears widespread among his political allies, few seem eager to tell him out of fear of hurting his feelings.”

New Hampshire poll numbers show why Hillary launched a $2 million ad buy this week: A WMUR Granite State Poll published last night shows Clinton leads Bernie Sanders by only 6 points (a statistical tie) 42-36, with 5 percent backing Joe Biden.

A national NBC/WSJ survey that shows Clinton’s unfavorable numbers rising among crucial constituencies, including white women, young people, independents and African Americans.

Jeb Bush received more than $9 million in income since January 2014 by delivering speeches, sitting on boards of directors, and helping to manage private investment firms. He has received about $38 million in income since leaving the Florida governorship in 2007.

===== Donald Trump =====

Bloomberg: Donald Trump praises Paul A. Volcker, the former Federal Reserve chairman. For almost half a century, Volcker has been calling for a major overhaul of financial regulation. Asked if Trump's positive view of Volcker extended to the "Volcker Rule", he offered this reply: "Well I'm not sure if he likes it, but if he's happy, I'm happy." The 2010 financial reform legislation -- known as Dodd-Frank -- contained a provision known as the "Volcker Rule" aimed at banning risky trading by banks that they did solely for their own profit as opposed to on behalf of clients.

Donald Trump slammed the Export-Import Bank. Trump's position aligns with many conservative activists who have come to view the bank, which assists in financing U.S. exports abroad, as emblematic of corporate welfare. Democrats and more moderate Republicans want to renew the bank's charter, and the Senate recently passed an Ex-Im extension attached to a long-term highway bill.

Trump also criticized Citizens United, the controversial 2010 Supreme Court decision that paved the way for unlimited independent spending to influence elections. He said super-PACs, which are legally prohibited from coordinating with campaigns they support, are a "total phony deal," noting that Jeb Bush's super-PAC is run by "somebody that's very close to him." He said the law "forces people into being somewhat dishonest."

"I guess from my standpoint personally I'd almost rather not see it," he said of candidates seeking to raise large amounts of money from the Koch brothers. "I see all of the money that's being raised by these folks, and they're raising hundreds of millions of dollars, and ultimately billions of dollars."

Trump has made the self-funded nature of his campaign a signature issue, insisting that unlike his rivals he cannot be bribed as he won't be in thrall to donors.

===== The Clintons =====

A 27 second video of Hillary Clinton as she waffles on the Keystone Pipeline (Hear the Clinton-speak)

Hillary's daughter, Chelsea Clinton, is serving as vice chair of her family’s foundation. At a Council on Foreign Relations event on women’s rights in New York City, Chelsea Clinton fielded questions about recent controversies over foreign donations to the foundation. (Video: Hear the Clinton-speak passed down through the generations.)

Washington Post: For Clintons, speech income shows how their wealth is intertwined with charity: In an analysis of public records and Clinton Foundation data, The Washington Post found that there was an overlap of Bill and Hillary Clinton's charitable work and their growing personal wealth. Bill Clinton was paid more than $100 million for speeches between 2001 and 2013, according to federal financial disclosure forms filed by Hillary Clinton during her years as a senator and as secretary of state. Four major financial firms — Goldman Sachs, Barclays Capital, Deutsche Bank and Citigroup — collectively have given between $2.75 million and $11.5 million to the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation.

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