
Friday, August 14, 2015

Unstoppable: Bernie Sanders leads Hillary in Iowa

Update on Iowa Poll results:

Iowa Sec. of State ‏@IowaSOS 5h hours ago --> #SOSStrawPoll after Day 3 of #IowaStateFair:

DEMS-@BernieSanders 53%, @HillaryClinton 41% 

GOP-@realDonaldTrump 27%, @RealBenCarson 18%

NOTE: Hillary Clinton was the ONLY Democrat not speaking from the Iowa "Soapbox". (What is she afraid of?)

Just like Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, former Senator Tom Harkin was also once a strong advocate for strengthening and expanding Social Security. So why is Harkin now endorsing Hillary Clinton — and joining her at the Iowa State Fair this weekend? Hillary has been non-committal on doing much of anything on this issue. Washington Post: Hillary Clinton ignores Social Security expansion calls, mum on own benefits. (And she also supports the TPP trade deal and the Keystone pipeline, but hates to say so and lose votes.)

The Democratic Party Machine must be getting really nervous about Bernie Sanders, because why is there all this gossip in their media outlets about the possibility of Joe Biden and Al Gore getting into the race? And why did Bill Clinton have to visit Hillary’s campaign headquarters in Brooklyn to give a pep talk to staff? Do they also #FeeltheBern?

The pro-corporate and Hillary-backer Senator Claire McCaskill wasn't the only member of the Democratic Party Machine to criticize Bernie Sanders for being a "socialist" --- now, as a Democratic presidential long shot, former Maryland governor Martin O’Malley is also bashing Bernie for being a socialist — and also claiming he is more like FDR than Bernie. O’Malley must also be following MSNBC's lead by referring to Bernie as nothing more than a “protest candidate”. O'Malloy and MSNBC must also #FeeltheBern.

As an aside: After watching crime shows on TV, I've learned that when a man does a Google search on "how to kill your wife", and then later his wife ends up dead, the husband is usually the one that is guilty of killing her:

The last batch of Hillary emails released by the State Department included one from Clinton asking to borrow a book called “Send: Why People Email So Badly and How to Do It Better.” ABC’s Jonathan Karl notes that Chapter Six is called “The Email That Can Land You In Jail,” and that the chapter includes a section entitled “How to Delete Something So It Stays Deleted.”

The Democratic Party Machine supports Hillary Clinton, who supports the TPP trade agreement, even though 80% of Democrats in Congress voted against fast-track for TPP. But yet, the Democratic National Convention (chaired by a member of the Democratic Party Machine) won't expand the Democratic debates, because they think fewer debates benefits Hillary Clinton.

The Daily Kos (Aug 13, 2015) It is not about the election anymore: News media will not cover revolution:

Bernie Sanders is saying things that are resonating among growing numbers of people. The things Bernie is saying are revolutionary in their very nature. He is pointing out the nature of a totally corrupt system that uses the media and the electoral process to deflect people's attention from the system they need to change.

In the midst of the swelling numbers of people who are being enabled to say openly that they want the system changed there are plenty of tactics being used to try to marginalize Bernie. What is so ironic is that you can not marginalize someone who was already marginalized and is fighting his way into the public consciousness in spite of the media.

From a poll at the post above
Poll on the media coverage of Bernie Sanders

You can hear the "tone" of the media pundits and their carefully select guests on the cable news stations (such as CNN and MSNBC), because they and the Democratic Party Machine must also #FeelTheBern


  1. Following Hillary Clinton’s recently announced plan to help the middle class, she and Bill are again renting a house in the Hamptons for two weeks in August for $100,000 (That's $7,143 a day!) The Clintons are expected to arrive in the Hamptons by Aug. 21, and then her fundraising events start the next day.

  2. You can hear the "tone" of the media pundits and their carefully select guests on the cable news stations (such as CNN and MSNBC), because they and the Democratic Party Machine must also #FeelTheBern

    You summed it up nicely, Bud! They are all scared of #Bernie2016!

  3. Things change quickly in Iowa:

    #SOSStrawPoll update from Day 2 @IowaStateFair

    DEMS @BernieSanders & @HillaryClinton-tied tied at 46%.

    GOP @RealBenCarson 23% @realDonaldTrump 22%

  4. why would prominent members of both parties attack Bernie Sanders???

    Because he is the only candidate telling the fucking TRUTH!!!! The Plutocracy wants to hide the truth as much as possible.

    Bernie is in for a tough ride. But who else is there??? I pray he can get his message out there on his own because the lame-stream media is NOT going to help him EVER!
