
Thursday, September 3, 2015

Hillary Clinton email tech to Plead the Fifth

(Washington Post) A former State Department staffer who worked on Hillary Clinton’s private e-mail server tried this week to fend off a subpoena to testify before Congress, saying he would assert his constitutional right not to answer questions to avoid incriminating himself [and/or Hillary Clinton].

(Politico) Hackers swiped sensitive emails and donor information from the right-wing think tank Heritage Foundation. The breach occurred at the same time that the foundation’s multimedia news organization, the Daily Signal, has criticized the Obama administration and federal agencies such as the Office of Personnel Management over lax cyber-security." [Me thinks it's just a quinkydink.]

Hillary Clinton proposed a $10 billion plan to treat drug addicts and curb incarceration for nonviolent drug offenses. But how will it be paid for — by cutting food stamps for the poor, or by raising taxes on the rich? I think we know the answer. Her plan says for every $1 the State commits, they will receive $4 in federal funding — even in Red States ;)

Most new high school grads can't read, write or balance a checkbook. Bloomberg: Students in the high school class of 2015 turned in the lowest critical reading score on the SAT college entrance exam in more than 40 years, with all three sections declining from the previous year...The mean score on math is the lowest since 1999. The reading score is the worst since 1972, and the lowest score for writing since it began in 2005. Mike Thorton says, "Seems the video generation is lacking some skillsets that require more than just a selfie phone." Washington Post: SAT scores at lowest level in 10 years, fueling worries about high schools

Would you care for a Warren-Lite? Or how about a Sanders-Lite? It seems that "progressive" Democrats have much better ideas than Centrist/Third Way Democrats, because why else have they been mimicking all the progressive Democrat's big bold ideas? Just like Hillary Clinton, now Vice President Biden is also jumping on the "Economic Populist" bandwagon. He just announced a proposal to give students two years of free education after high school.

(Politico) At a recent fundraiser Joe Biden was quoted as saying: “I am not a populist. But Bernie Sanders, he’s doing a helluva job." But a few of the donors weren’t over amused: “What the hell was he saying? I mean, 90 percent of the room is a Hillary donor." [Wow! It seems that Hillary supporters at Centrist/Third Way Democratic fundraisers are also "Feeling the Bern"!]

Boston Globe: After a recent meeting with Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren demurred when asked if there was talk, even jokingly, of her joining Biden on the Democratic ticket if he enters the primary and wins the nomination. [Progressive Democrats cringe at the thought of her endorsing anyone other that Bernie Sanders.]


  1. UPDATE:

    What makes Clinton's [email] case different is that she exclusively sent and received emails through a home server in lieu of the State Department's unclassified email system. Neither would have been secure from hackers or foreign intelligence agencies, so it would be equally problematic whether classified information was carried over the government system or a private server, experts say. In fact, the State Department's unclassified email system has been penetrated by hackers believed linked to Russian intelligence.

  2. The Guardian (September 3, 2015)

    Edward Snowden says Hillary Clinton 'ridiculous' to think emails were secure. Snowden said in Al-Jazeera interview that ordinary government workers would ‘very likely face prosecution’ for sending classified emails over personal server.
