
Monday, September 28, 2015

US Corporations Stashed $3.8 Trillion!

Wasn't more economic growth, higher profits and less taxes supposed to create more jobs and raise wages — instead of just producing huge and wasteful huge cash hoards?

cash hoard

Editor's Note: Gabriel Zucman is a protégé of Thomas Piketty, the author of the bestseller Capital in the Twenty-First Century. Zucman shows in a new study that tax havens hide $7.6 trillion — about 8 percent of the world’s net financial wealth. For individuals, he estimates that at least $2 trillion is held in Swiss banks and is still undeclared by account holders to their home countries. Zucman say his calculations are conservative because he can’t count other assets such as art, jewelry or real estate (also know as SWAG investments). Those trillions were showing up as shares of mutual funds incorporated in tax havens, primarily in Luxembourg, Grand Cayman and Ireland. His theory: wealthy investors around the world have used the investments, often made through Swiss bank accounts, to hide their wealth.

Global Corporate Cash Piles Exceed $15 Trillion
by Dr. Jack Rasmus September 21, 2015

Various studies and reports show that advanced economies corporations [further referred to as AE corporations] continue to pile up cash on their balance sheets.

The global economy is slowing – from China to Brazil to South Africa and beyond. Currency wars initiated in 2013 by Japan’s introducing a ‘quantitative easing’ (QE) monetary policy, intensified in 2015 by Europe introducing its own ‘QE’, and exacerbated still further by Saudi Arabia initiating a global oil price war to bankrupt U.S. shale oil challengers – have together converged to drive emerging market economies (EMEs) like Brazil, South Africa, Indonesia and others into recession or stagnation.

Exporting Recessions to Emerging Markets

Actions in the past 18 months by Europe, Japan and Saudi Arabia have resulted in lowering their currency exchange rates. The moves represent desperate attempts to boost their weakening economies by trying to capture a larger share of a slowing global export pie. Once growing in 2008 at a rate of 12 percent per year, that pie today, in 2015, is virtually flat.

Money wars, price wars, and currency wars all reflect an intensification of competition between the advanced economies (AEs) of Europe, Japan, U.S., and the Saudis as the global economy as a whole grows weaker and slows – i.e. what amounts to an intensifying economic ‘cat fight’.

That cat fight is having a severe impact on EMEs, resulting in escalating capital flight, collapsing financial asset markets (stocks, bonds, etc.), slowing revenue from exports, import inflation, falling investment and employment, and rising real debt. In response, some have raised interest rates to try to slow the capital outflow, attract more inflow, and slow inflation. But that has only slowed their own economies even more.

Other emerging markets have tried to compete with the AEs for export share by cutting wages of workers and introducing ‘austerity’ policies to make their workers pay for the slowdown. But that too is a dead-end response. The false logic is that austerity will show AE investors that they, the emerging markets, are serious about imposing economic discipline. Somehow that will convince investors to send their capital back to the emerging markets again.

But austerity only lowers wage incomes and slows growth even more. It does not attract back foreign capital. And AE investors don’t send money capital into economies that are stagnating or in recession.

Raising interest rates and/or introducing austerity are both economic dead end responses to a growing crisis that is clearly marked ‘made in Tokyo, Frankfurt, Riyadh’, and, of course, in Washington which is about to raise interest rates that will accelerate capital flight from EMEs even faster.

Despite imposing austerity policies on their work forces and populace, everywhere AE corporate elites whine and complain about the deteriorating global economy they have been causing. True, economic conditions worldwide are going from bad to worse. Workers’ wages, benefits, and incomes have been falling in the AEs since 2009 in a so-called ‘recovery’ that still hasn’t reached AE workers and is now ending as well. Wage income decline is about to accelerate. But to hear the AE corporate elites whine and complain you would think they are doing poorly as well. But the facts tell otherwise.

$7.3 Trillion Corporate Cash Pile

Various studies and reports show that AE corporations continue to pile up cash on their balance sheets.

According to a June report by the Bank of Japan, in Japan corporate cash hoarding now totals $2.4 trillion. And somehow that was accumulated despite Japan having experienced four recessions since the 2008-09.

How about Europe? There corporate cash has risen 40 percent since 2008, to $1.1 trillion, despite a double dip recession of 18 months in 2011-13 that was worse than 2008-09 and despite a stagnating Eurozone since 2013.

And the United States? Moody’s Analytics research estimates corporate cash for non-financial corporations at $1.73 trillion today. Add another $1 trillion for reserves held by banks. Then there’s the estimate by Moody’s that U.S. multinational corporations continue to hoard another minimum another $1.1 trillion in their offshore subsidiaries, which they’ve parked there in order to avoid paying U.S. taxes on that amount. That’s a combined $3.8 trillion cash pile for U.S. corporations alone.

* Editor's Note: One hundred million dollars in $100 bills fits nicely onto a standard-sized pallet. The image below shows what $1 trillion in cash would look like with those pallets stacked two-high next to a football field. Now multiply that by 4 and that is the current corporate cash hoard. That is NOT what U.S. corporations have been spending on hiring people and raising worker's wages. Less taxes and/or lower tax rates will only grow this cash hoard that much larger.

$1 trillion

In total, just the AE economies of the United States, Eurozone, and Japan are therefore sitting on a minimum of $7.3 trillion in cash today!

That $7.3 trillion still doesn’t count what additional ‘cash equivalent’ corporations stuff away in what are called ‘depreciation’ funds and other hidden funds which doesn’t get counted as cash; or cash they might have stuffed in offshore tax havens and don’t report; or have purposely underestimated as a result of widespread tax fraud by U.S. corporations. The $7.3 trillion also doesn’t include the undoubted trillions of dollars more hoarded by the Saudis and their regional emirate friends in Swiss, Luxembourg, and Singapore banks. If we included that, and the hidden funds and havens, there’s probably as much as $10 trillion in cash piled up in the balance sheets of AE corporations in the United States, Europe, Japan and Saudi and friends’ economies.

OK, but what about individual AE capitalists and investors? Perhaps their corporations are bloated with cash, but maybe they haven’t benefited personally? Think again.

$8 Trillion Stock Buybacks, Dividend, & Interest Payouts

The $7.3 trillion in corporate cash represents what is left over after trillions more has already been to their investors since 2008.

In the United States alone since 2009, more than $4.5 trillion has been distributed in stock buybacks and dividend payouts by just the largest 500 U.S. corporations, according to Standard & Poor’s research. Another $500 billion has been distributed in dividends to all businesses, corporate and non-corporate alike, according to U.S. government data sources. That’s $5 trillion. But even that astounding number does not include distributions by U.S. private equity firms to partners, estimated at $1.3 trillion in just the last three years, or additional amounts by global hedge funds, or by other ‘shadow banks’, to their member partners in what’s called interest payments.

How about Japan and Europe? While stock buybacks are not historically as large in Japan and Europe as in the United States, they are rising rapidly. Meanwhile, dividend payments have been more generous compared to the United States, and rose 15 percent in Europe in 2014 and 16.8 percent in Japan by latest estimate. That’s probably another $1-2 trillion.

In other words, a minimum $8 trillion or so in cash has been distributed to shareholders and investors since 2009, leaving $7.3 trillion in a still undistributed cash pile on AE corporate balance sheets.

Notwithstanding this incredible pile of distributed and undistributed cash since 2009, it apparently is still not enough for AE economic elites. (It is never enough.) To protect and grow their cash piles still further, AE economic policies have been shifting since 2013 to ‘export’ their stagnation to emerging markets, on the one hand, and to squeeze even more out of their own workers on the other. The latest version of the austerity squeeze now in development in the AEs is called ‘labor market reform’. And it’s coming to workers in EMEs [emerging market economies] as well. But more on that another time…

* Editor's Note: Dr. Jack Rasmus (Ph.D Political Economy) teaches economics and politics at St. Mary’s College in California. He is the author of the forthcoming books at Amazon: Systemic Fragility in the Global Economy and Looting Greece: The Emerging New Colonialism. He blogs at and his website is The content of this post was originally published by teleSUR. If you intend to use it, please cite the source and provide a link to the original article.


  1. Proof that Jeb Bush is a big a-hole that cares not so much for this country as he does the very rich.

    Jeb Bush defended his tax plan to Fox News Sunday after he was slammed for giving lopsided tax breaks to the wealthy. He told Chris Wallace: “The simple fact is 1 percent of people pay 40 percent of all the taxes. Of course, tax cuts for everybody is going to generate more for people that are paying a lot more. I mean that’s just the way it is.”

    He also didn't mention that 1 percent of the people are raking in 80 percent of the income, or that the very top 0.01 percent are the ones who actually rake in most of that income — and that they are the ones we want to raise taxes on by taxing capital gains income as regular wages.

  2. lo and behold the Donald unveils his tax plan... What a F###in Tool ... more of the same

    The GOP is beholden to ST Raygun's bankrupt economic policies.
