
Friday, January 22, 2016

Bernie Sanders: After there were People

Bernie News

The drummer from “The Doors” wrote an op-ed for today’s Des Moines Register explaining why he supports Bernie Sanders: “Several years ago I thought, ‘Wow, in my lifetime I might see an African-American man and a woman become president of the United States!’ Then several months ago I thought, ‘I’m really not that excited about Hillary Clinton.’” 

Some Democrats fear Clinton's message is failing. Chelsea shared concerns about her mom’s campaign at a private meeting. 

Bill is also getting nervous. Politico says he’s been phoning campaign manager Robby Mook almost daily to express concerns about the campaign’s organization. 

David Brock, spearheading another day of ugly attacks, continues to become a bigger liability for Clinton. Citing the white faces in Sanders’ latest commercial, he told the AP: “From this ad, it seems black lives don’t matter much to Bernie Sanders.” In fact, some minorities do appear in the spot. The Sanders campaign also pointed out that Brock, when he used to be a conservative hatchet man, went after “distinguished African-American law professor” Anita Hill after she accused Clarence Thomas of sexual harassment. 

The Burlington Free Press reports that Correct the Record, a group founded by Brock, has sought to pitch it negative stories about Sanders “off the record.” But that it will not agree to such ground rules. 

EMILY’s List attacked Sanders for not caring enough about social issues. The pro-Clinton women’s group condemned a Rolling Stone interview in which Sanders said: “Once you get off of the social issues — abortion, gay rights, guns — and into the economic issues, there is a lot more agreement than the pundits understand.” 

Because Hillary Clinton is a woman (First woman president!) just like Katy Perry, actress Jamie Lee Curtis will also campaign for Hillary. 

Clinton’s paid speeches to Wall Street animate her opponents - - - From the New York Times: “For a fee of $275,000, Hillary had agreed to appear before the clients of GoldenTree Asset Management, the capstone of a lucrative speechmaking sprint through Wall Street that earned her more than $2 million in less than seven months. Together, Mrs. Clinton and her husband have earned in excess of $125 million in speech income since leaving the White House in 2001, one-fifth of it in the last two years. Mrs. Clinton’s own speechmaking was a veritable tour through high finance. She gave paid speeches at GTCR, the Chicago private equity firm that the Republican governor of Illinois, Bruce Rauner, helped found; Deutsche Bank, the German financial services conglomerate; and the investment bank Morgan Stanley, among other companies. Goldman Sachs alone paid Mrs. Clinton $675,000 for three speeches in three different states." --- This morning Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), a big supporter of Hillary Clinton, was interviewed on MSNBC and asked if it was a mistake for Clinton to be taking those speaking fees from the big banks. Shaheen's response was, "That was all in the past, just like Bernie's socialism was in the past." 

Bob Gates, who was Defense Secretary when Clinton was at State, said “the odds are high” that the Russians, Chinese or Iranians compromised Hillary’s homebrew email server, despite her insistence they did not. He said he never used email when he was SecDef or DCI. (One commenter wrote: "Hilary's email server was backed up into the cloud, and the company that did her cloud backups went ahead and created a second cloud backup with yet another company that Hilary didn't even know about. If that's not a security breach in and of itself, and a lesson as to why not to do what Hilary did, then I don't know what is." 

Kathleen Geier wrote the book, "False Choices: The Faux Feminism of Hillary Rodham Clinton" 

On November 24, 2014 Kathleen Geier wrote "Who’s Ready for Hillary?" (Hint: She isn't) 

Yesterday Kathleen Geier wrote "Bernie’s Greatest Weakness" -- criticizing him for not being perfect enough.


  1. Excerpts via The Guardian: Trump and Sanders lead two-headed insurgency against establishment

    We’re in an era when nobody likes anything and the two people most vocal about not liking things are Trump and Sanders. They are two sides of the same coin. Neil Levesque, executive director of the New Hampshire Institute of Politics at Saint Anselm College, said:

    “I talk to many people whose first choice is Trump and second choice is Sanders, even though they’re diametrically opposed. People feel Trump is saying what they think, and if you asked supporters of Sanders, one word they would use is ‘authenticity’. A lot of this is the Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street. Those were the seeds and now the grass is growing.”

    At a recent Democratic debate, Clinton presented herself as a continuity candidate barely distinguishable from Obama – hardly a cri de cœur at the best of times. Angus Johnston, a historian of student activism based at City University of New York, said:

    “Clinton has been wrapping herself in the Obama presidency and presenting herself as the successor but, in a lot of ways, Sanders’s campaign looks a lot more like Obama’s in 2008 than Clinton’s does. I’m seeing in young people’s debates it’s ‘pragmatic and practical’ versus ‘let’s shoot for the stars’ because the Obama administration has not been the transformational force they hoped it would be. Sanders is clearly responding to the energy coming off recent campus protests and channeling it in his own way. The further we go into this campaign, the clearer it becomes that Sanders is not really a socialist. He’s a liberal Democrat and, win or lose, he’s in the mainstream of the left wing of the Democratic party.

    But the establishment elders are not taking the parallel rebellions lying down. Clinton, who has husband Bill on her side and remains popular among African Americans and Hispanics, has unleashed a series of attacks on Sanders in the past week. Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) said:

    “In the Bernie world, big banks are out to get you and the rich guy’s screwing you over. In Trump’s world, the illegal immigrants are going to sell your kids drugs and rape your wife, and foreigners are going to take your jobs. This has happened before when people had economic anxiety but it never pans out ... That’s why I think Jeb is very viable. This is a fad that will pass. The anger is real but the solutions make no sense. We can’t have 90% tax rates and, on the Republican side, we can’t insult everybody in the world and become president of the United States."


    * The Republicans are all liars. Bernie might only tax the super rich 50% (not 90%). The super-rich only pay 23.8% (on capital gains), but regular wages are taxed up to 39.6% — and the super-rich don't pay Social Security taxes on their capital gains income — and nobody earning $118,500 or more a year pays this tax on 100% of their wages.

  2. Bernie Sanders gets endorsements when members decide --- Hillary Clinton gets endorsements when leaders decide.

  3. L.A. Times --- Adoring Hillary Clinton

    Sanders is not stealing Democratic hearts like the youthful Robert Kennedy did in the brief campaign that ended in his assassination in ’68 or as Obama’s ultra-cool “Yes We Can” campaign did 40 years later. It may be prejudiced, shallow and wrong, but Americans are attracted to youthful vigor, not to old guys with stooped shoulders and white hair. That could hurt Sanders more than his socialist brand.

    [MY NOTE: Hillary Clinton is only 6 years younger].

    Hillary, meanwhile, has the solid loyalty of veteran feminists and the affection of most black voters, but others are not so eager to relive the Clinton melodramas, nor are they convinced that a second Clinton White House would not cozy up to Wall Street the way the first one did. And younger voters do not necessarily see her as an agent of change, even if she would be the first female president. Rather, she is a figure from their childhoods, the other woman in the Monica Lewinsky soap opera.

    [MY NOITE: Did you notice how the L.A. Times played down Bill Clinton's impeachment with "Clinton melodramas" and the stained blue dress as the "Monica Lewinsky soap opera"?]

    In so many ways, she is eminently qualified to be president -- a former first lady, U.S. senator and secretary of State -- and yet, the thought of the country being sucked back down into the decades-old cage match between Clinton haters and Clinton loyalists makes many Democrats long for a fresher face.

    Reports from Iowa indicate that Clinton is projecting a warmer, fuzzier persona than she did in 2008. If she was not so famous, she could easily blend in with any group of middle-aged women shopping for iceberg lettuce and spaghetti sauce in a Des Moines grocery store.

    [MY NOTE If Bernie were not so famous, you wouldn't look at him twice sitting on a bar stool at the local watering hole.]

    Democrats may not adore the contenders for their nomination. They may find Bernie a bit too old and Hillary too old news.


    Why does the L.A. Times play down Bill Clinton's impeachment by calling his acts in office "Clinton melodramas" -- and implying that the stained blue dress was nothing more than a "Monica Lewinsky soap opera"? It was much more than that; but to complain would make me a "hater" -- or to complain about Hillary specifically would me a "misogynist", even though I love Elizabeth Warren. And Hillary is only 6 years "younger" than Bernie -- and she is not just "old news", she and her husband have both in the pockets of the banks to the tune of $125 million with their speeches since 2001 to the present. Hillary is not just somebody's grandma...and Bernie has MORE grandchildren.
