
Sunday, January 17, 2016

Great News for Bernie Sanders Fans!

Here is some heart-warming news for Bernie fans via MSNBC, which is in relation to a new Iowa poll via the Des Moines Register: "Hillary Clinton has lost most of her lead over Bernie Sanders in the race to win Iowa’s Democratic presidential caucuses."

But that's only part of the story.

Real Clear Politics is tracking several polls, and they show the gap is also much narrower nationally as well, with Hillary leading Bernie 48.3% to 39.7% — putting Bernie within 8.6% nationally. And their polls also show Bernie is leading Hillary in New Hampshire by 6.2% — and is within 4% of her in Iowa. And among the top three GOP frontrunners, Bernie leads Hillary by wider margins against all three — making Bernie "the most electable" candidate because Bernie beats 2 out of top 3 GOP candidates, while Hillary loses to 2 out of the top 3 GOP candidates.

New York Times: "With a new poll showing Mr. Sanders surging ahead in Iowa, Mrs. Clinton and her aides have dropped any pretense that they can ignore Mr. Sanders or treat him like a gadfly. They have become zealous and combative as they try new ways to undercut his high favorability ratings." (See my related post.)

America is Feelin' the Bern!

America is Feelin' the Bern!


  1. If you don't want to make a direct cash contribution to Bernie's campaign, you can also purchase some cool apparel at his store -- which is all MADE IN THE USA by union workers.

  2. NOTE:

    You can watch the 4th Democratic debate tonight LIVE-STREAMED at YouTube via NBC News.

    Someone tell Bernie: "Don't raise your hand for permission to speak. Just interrupt her or she will filibuster ... because she won't be silenced ;)

  3. (01/17/2016)

    Peak Desperation: Clinton Campaign Deploys Wall Street Strategist to Attack Bernie Sanders

  4. Despite her mean and untruthful attacks, Bernie Sanders was very kind to Hillary Clinton (as always the gentleman) and called her brazen lie about Bernie's healthcare plan an "unfortunate statement". But when Trump "mis-spoke" about Bernie's tax plan he said: "Just because Donald Trump says it, may not be exactly the truth. That happens to be a total lie." [What is there not to like about Bernie?]

  5. Washington Post (January 17, 2016):

    This number proves Bernie Sanders can win Iowa --> There are more Iowa Democratic caucus-goers who self-identify as socialist than there are who identify themselves as capitalist. A New York Times/CBS News poll showed 56 percent of Democratic primary voters nationally said they had a positive view of socialism.

    1. Fox News would say Joe Stalin and Chairman Mao are "Feeling the Bern".

    2. ...oh, and Senator Claire McCaskill:

      "I think the media is giving Bernie a pass right now. I very rarely read in any coverage of Bernie that he's a socialist. I think everybody wants a fight and I think they are not really giving the same scrutiny to Bernie Sanders that they're giving certainly to Hillary Clinton and the other candidates."
