Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Make America Great Again (with Fair Trade)

It's not a lack of a skills, it's a lack of jobs. Eventually robots will do it all; but in the mean time, let's stop offshoring our best jobs to foreign countries, or giving jobs (that Americans want to do) to foreign workers.

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Trump's Evolution on the Federal Minimum Wage

Last summer during the Democratic convention (when Hillary Clinton "won" the nomination), in his speech Senator Bernie Sanders said Donald Trump believes that States have the right to lower the minimum wage. But Trump never really advocated for States to LOWER the minimum wage, but only that they should decide if it should go higher than it currently stands. According to Trump's last statement on the subject, he actually thought the U.S. should have "at least" a $10 federal minimum wage.

Friday, December 16, 2016

Baby Boomers not to Blame for lack of Jobs

Baby Boomers are not to blame for the dramatic rise in the number of people "not in the labor force". Retirees and those on disability are making for a smaller and smaller share (on a monthly basis) as to the number of people "dropping out" of the labor force.

Saturday, December 3, 2016

How can Trump raise wages?

Only unions and laws can raise wages, because employers won't — not unless they're forced to.