
Saturday, May 29, 2021

Gab and Rumble has Free Speech! * Bud Meyers * May 29, 2021

I rarely blog anymore because I've been spending most of my time posting videos at Youtube and Rumble and using Gab for social media since I was banned from Twitter for being a Trump supporter.

My Gab account

My Rumble videos

My Youtube videos (check out my "playists" too)

* My last Youtube channel was deleted (because I was a Trump supporter) so I started a new Youtube channel, but I try not to post anything I think Youtube might not like at my Rumble account . . . like a Trump interview. Below are my latest Gabs, which are like mini-blogs, because at Gab we get 3,000 characters for each post compared to Twitter's 280. And we can post images and videos and links just like at Twitter — BUT — we also have Free Speech at Gab. And it's much better than Parler too!

Gab and Rumble is the best social media in 2021.

==================  Just a few of my recent diatribes at Gab this week  =================

The funds for #Bido's $6 Trillion budget will be allocated to un-elected officials, corporate cronies, activists and lobbyists with very little accountability as to how how the money is spent, leading to ultra-massive fraud.

Add to that, all the welfare money spent for free college tuition, free child care, free healthcare (etc.) which will also help contribute to runaway hyper-inflation, increasing the cost of consumer goods and services exponentially.

On the other side of of the equation, Bido's tax plan will see HUGE increases on the fossil fuel industry, which will jack up our energy costs for electricity, gasoline and natural gas & heating oil. (Also, oil is used in the production of 95% of everything you see in your homes).

The #Marxists (aka "progressives") currently in the White House and Congress will destroy America in the same way Marxism has destroyed #Venezuela, #Cuba and other communist/Socialist nations. This is what we get when the #CIA and #FBI (and "woke" generals) allow and help the #Marxist-Democrats rig elections.

It's no surprise. All those old white men and old black women that you saw in all the inquisition hearings for #Trump, all dressed up in their suits and matching custom covid masks, are all part of the radical armies of anarchists that plagued the nation in the 60's and 70s. And I'm not talking about the hippies, but those who firebombed police stations and federal buildings and killed police officers and robbed armored cars. These Marxist radicals belonged to organizations like the Weather Underground, Black Panthers and SDS:

Ironically, the #FBI protects these people today! (They're #Marxist-#Democrats in #Congress now!)

Now that the #CDC says there's no need to wear masks any more if we've already been vaccinated, when will #Bido be brave enough to hold a REAL White House press briefing and take REAL questions from reporters at #Newsmax or #OAN? #PeterDoocy at #FoxNews (while better than the indoctrinated activists in the press room) won't ask press secretary #JenPaski hard questions — like about the kiddy porn on #HunterBiden's laptop that the #FBI is supposed to be "investigating" — or about #Bido being "the Big Guy" who gets a 10% cut from his son's pay-for-play schemes. (It took far less time to send #PaulManafort and #MichaelCohen to prison).

Will #SusanRice take questions from #TuckerCarlson, #MariaBartiromo or #SeanHannity about unmasking all those people before she left the #Obama administration? Of course not. Because they all know we all hate what they're doing. They all know that we know that they rigged the election, and that they and Bido's entire administration is a BIG LIE and a fraud on the American people.

Why do the Marxist-#Democrats want congressional Trumplicans to vote for a January 6 commission? As #JoePinion at Newsmax pointed out, there's already been an investigation underway by the #FBI, who has already arrested 500 people. The #Marxists just want a C-Span TV camera aimed at them so they can pontificate and spew BIG LIES about Trump and his supporters.

We know their game. We've seen their witch hunts. We've seen how they spy on and investigate innocent people. We've seen how they brutally bankrupt people. We've seen how they slander and defame good people. We've seen them send people to jail and ruin their lives. We've watched all their hearings and impeachment trials. We know how they manipulate the media to spread disinformation and propaganda.

The current #DemocratParty is mostly like the most evil and dishonest political party in the history of this country. They lie while accusing others of lying. They abuse their power while accusing others of abusing power.They say no one is above the law when clearly they seem to be. The FBI openly runs cover for and works for these Marxist seditionists, who rig elections and break all laws with impunity. We don't need another rigged investigation, rigged hearing or rigged election. We need to purge our nation of these evil people.

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