In an interview yesterday Republican Speaker of the House John Boehner was crying again, about how businesses can't create jobs without more "certainty" in the marketplace.
Didn't big corporations have "certainty" over the last decade with the Bush tax cuts while millions of jobs left our shores as these corporations made record profits? Didn't big corporations have "certainty" when those tax cuts were extended for another two years while big corporations have been paying ZERO in corporate income taxes? Didn't CEOs and bankers have enough "certainty" while earning record salaries and bonuses while cutting their employees wages?
How much "certainty" is John Boehner and his ilk demanding, and why?
I thought investment and business was all about "risk", not "certainty" or guaranteed corporate profits. Glenn Beck says it's rich people who take all the risks when making investments or running a big business - - - and ignorantly asks us, "When was the last time a poor man hired you?" (I'd say about the last time a poor man did.) Beck thinks we should all be "thankful" to big businesses who are creating all those places like China or at McDonalds.
What kind (and how much) "certainty" does John Boehner want for government subsidized corporations who are corporate welfare recipients and corporate tax cheats? What kind (and how much) "certainty" does John Boehner wish for the big bankers?
Didn't it ever occur to John Boehner, the Republicans, and the Tea Party that regular working-class Americans and the disenfranchised might want a little "certainty" in their lives as well? Would it be too much to ask that they had "certainty" that their jobs won't be outsourced to foreign countries, and when they are, have "certainty" that their unemployment benefits won't be reduced or cut off to give corporations more tax breaks? |
The average American worker would also like to have "certainty" after busting their backs for 40 or 50 years, "certainty" that they will have Medicare and Social Security when they get disabled or old. They would like "certainty" that they won't be destitute and homeless when they reach their 60s or 70s.
"Certainty" in the marketplace for mammoth multi-national corporate conglomerates with limited liability while their multi-billionaire CEOs want more billions? What about "certainty" for the children whose parents rely on food stamps to feed them because they were laid off from their jobs, or were considered "too old" to be hired, or were never re-hired just because they were unemployed? Shouldn't they also have "certainty"?
What about "certainty" for those who lost equity in their homes or had them foreclosed on by the banks because of casino-like gambling by the big banks? What about "certainty" for those who were evicted from their houses and apartments, and those who had their cars towed away, or who lost their unemployment benefits because Republican legislators wanted to privatize government programs that were meant for THE PEOPLE, not so corporations can profit more?
I'd like some "certainty" that I won't die a hungry and homeless man tomorrow, but as I've always known, nothing is ever "certain" in life...there are never any guarantees or expressed warranties. But "certainty" is something that the GOP wants for the very CEOs and bankers that put us where we are today.
John Boehner can take his "certainty" and cram it where the light don't shine...that would "certainly" make me feel a lot better.
And I'm very "certain" that Fox News or Glenn Beck wouldn't agree with me.
John Boehner Fights Against Foreclosure Relief As Housing Crisis Ravages His Own District