As far as I can tell, most of the cuts in unemployment benefits are coming from EB (State extended benefits), which come after all four tiers of federal extended benefits expire (EUC).
The recently passed extension of the payroll tax provided extending the funding of federal benefits (EUC) for 2 more months.
Someone I know was on EUC and was just approved for only 13 weeks of EB, even though Nevada has a 13% unemployment rate. We were trying to find out why she didn't get all 20 weeks even though she got the max in regular State benefits (26 weeks) and four tiers of EUC (53 weeks).
20 more weeks of EB would have given her all 99 weeks, but for some odd reason she'll only get 92.
Regular State
SOURCE: (scroll down)
The Bureau of Labor Statistics claims they get no information from State unemployment offices when determining the unemployment rate, yet they have these numbers.
The article in the Huffington Post states, "Due to the timing of increased joblessness, in January, the program will expire in Minnesota, Michigan, Massachusetts, Maine, Oregon and Indiana. In February, Extended Benefits will drop off in Wisconsin, Tennessee, South Carolina, Rhode Island, and Ohio, according to an analysis by worker advocacy group the National Employment Law Project."
In the HuffPo Hill Newsletter yesterday: "NIGHT DOWNER! Extended unemployment benefits for the very long-term jobless are expiring this month in Minnesota, Michigan, Massachusetts, Maine, Oregon and Indiana, per agreement between congressional Republicans, Democrats and the Obama administration."
Besides Minnesota and Tennessee (which I find no mention of the two month extension), it appears the other states will still have federal benefits for another 2 months, but regarding State extended benefits is unclear.
I went to all their state's UI websites and provided the links below.
The websites, as expected, were obtuse with their information and difficult to navigate. I had to use their search engines in two instances to find information. I believe all 50 states make filing for benefits as difficult and as confusing as possible to discourage people from filing for unemployment claims.
People who file UI claims in the states listed below are probably
much more familiar with their State's websites, and know their situation better
that me.
- There are two extended benefits programs in Minnesota. Federal
Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) – Congress has moved the
phase out to the end of February 2012. Federal-State Extended
Benefits (EB) – will "trigger off" at the end of the
week of January 8th through 14th. You cannot be paid for weeks after
the program "triggers off". If you are receiving benefits
from the EB program, you will not be paid for weeks after January
8th through 14th.
- Congress has passed and the President has signed an extension of
the expiration dates for the Extended Benefits (EB) and Emergency
Unemployment Compensation (EUC) Programs through February 2012.
- The Temporary Payroll Tax Cut Continuation Act of 2011 extends the
expiration dates of the Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC)
and federal-state Extended Benefits (EB) unemployment insurance (UI)
programs. The legislation extends the deadlines by which claimants
can apply for EUC and EB benefits through March 6, 2012 but does not
add any new weeks of benefits.
- Congress and the White House have come to agreement on a two-month
extension for federal unemployment programs. Without this extension,
the Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) program would have
begun to phase out and the Extended Benefit (EB) program would have
ended in early January. This extension means that the these programs
will stay in effect for the next two months. The legislation did not
add more weeks of benefits; it only extends the amount of time
available to file a claim for benefits from these two programs.
Oregon - On Friday, December 23, 2011, the President signed a bill extending the Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) extension program. The bill does not add additional funds, or tiers, to the EUC program; it extends the filing dates in which an individual can apply for EUC, or move on to the next tier. The extension allows individuals to file a new EUC claim, or to establish a new tier of benefits, through the week ending March 3rd, 2012.
Indiana - Congress has approved a two-month extension of the federally-funded extended unemployment insurance benefits. If you are currently receiving unemployment insurance benefits, you may continue to file your weekly voucher as normal.
Wisconsin - Under federal law, Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefit extensions were set to expire on March 3, 2012.
Tennessee - Unclear, no info found.
South Carolina - State Extended Benefits prolong benefits up to 13 additional weeks. State Extended Benefits are available if you have exhausted all regular unemployment insurance and all Emergency Unemployment Compensation, First, Second, Third, and Fourth Tier on or after February 15, 2009.
Rhode Island - In January 2012, the Federal Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) program will begin to phase out. EUC is built on four tiers of benefits, with claimants completing one tier before advancing to another. Under the phase-out plan claimants will be allowed to continue to collect on their current tier of benefits, but will no longer be able to advance to the next benefit tier.
Ohio - The legislation extends deadlines for the EUC program from December 31, 2011 to March 10, 2012. Eligible individuals may continue to collect benefits until August 15, 2012. This program continues to offer a maximum of 53 weeks of extended unemployment benefits. The new legislation did not add any more weeks of benefits.
My related articles:
Tennessee Update
updated 1/3/2012
EB Trigger
As much as i hate Republicans.....I sometimes think I can't take 4 more years of the hate for the black man in the White House. I really think the economy is so bad, there really is no hope. The jobs are gone, and the few that will come back are useless. Minimum wage jobs that do not pay bills. Republicans are determined to take the country back to 1800. I think the people of this country really deserve it, because the hate for the government portrayed and brainwashed into the poor idiots who watch Fox, I give up. Let them see how great life is with their small limited government...I can see the tears running!!!!!! I also love how Fox is not allowed to broadcast from Canada..Why is that not plastered all over the internet????