REPUBLICAN MYTH: The haves in society (the makers) got that way through their own moral behavior, hard work, and they deserve to keep every penny that they earn. The have-nots (the takers) made poor choices, are lazy, and would prefer to sponge off the social insurance system rather than do hard work.
a War on the Poor (by Daniel Little) - "American conservatives for the
past several decades have shown a remarkable hostility to poor people in our
country. The
recent effort to slash the SNAP food stamp program in the House; the
astounding refusal of 26 Republican governors to expand Medicaid coverage in
their states -- depriving millions of poor people from access to Medicaid health
coverage; and the general legislative indifference to a rising poverty rate in
the United States -- all this suggests something beyond ideology or neglect.
The indifference to low-income and uninsured people in their states of
conservative governors and legislators in Texas, Florida, and other states is
almost incomprehensible. Here
is a piece in Bustle that reviews some of the facts about
expanding Medicaid coverage:
In total, 26 states have rejected the expansion, including the state of Mississippi, which has the highest rate of uninsured poor people in the country. Sixty-eight percent of uninsured single mothers live in the states that rejected the expansion, as do 60 percent of the nation’s uninsured working poor.These attitudes and legislative efforts didn't begin yesterday. They extend back at least to the Reagan administration in the early 1980s. Here is Lou Cannon describing the Reagan years and the Reagan administration's attitude towards poverty:
Despite the sea of happy children’s faces that graced the “feel-good” commercials, poverty exploded in the inner cities of America during the Reagan years, claiming children as its principal victims. The reason for this suffering was that programs targeted to low-income families, such as AFDC, were cut back far more than programs such as Social Security. As a result of cuts in such targeted programs-including school lunches and subsidized housing-federal benefit programs for households with incomes of less than $10,000 a year declined nearly 8% during the Reagan first term while federal aid for households with more than $40,000 income was almost unchanged. Source: The Role of a Lifetime, by Lou Cannon, p. 516-17, Jul 2, 1991Most shameful, many would feel, is the attempt to reduce food assistance in a time of rising poverty and deprivation. It's hard to see how a government or party could justify taking food assistance away from hungry adults and children, especially in a time of rising poverty. And yet this is precisely the effort we have witnessed in the past several months in revisions to the farm bill in the House of Representatives. In a recent post Dave Johnson debunks the myths and falsehoods underlying conservative attacks on the food stamp program in the House revision of the farm bill (link).
This tenor of our politics indicates an overt hostility and animus towards poor people. How is it possible to explain this part of contemporary politics on the right? What can account for this persistent and unblinking hostility towards poor people?
One piece of the puzzle seems to come down to ideology and a passionate and unquestioning faith in "the market". If you are poor in a market system, this ideology implies you've done something wrong; you aren't productive; you don't deserve a better quality of life. You are probably a drug addict, a welfare queen, a slacker. (Remember "slackers" from the 2012 Presidential campaign?)
Another element here seems to have something to do with social distance. Segments of society with whom one has not contact may be easier to treat impersonally and cruelly. How many conservative legislators or governors have actually spent time with poor people, with the working poor, and with poor children? But without exposure to one's fellow citizens in many different life circumstances, it is hard to acquire the inner qualities of compassion and caring that make one sensitive to the facts about poverty.
A crucial thread here seems to be a familiar American narrative around race. The language of welfare reform, abuse of food stamps, and the inner city is interwoven with racial assumptions and stereotypes. Joan Walsh's recent column in Salon does a good job of connecting the dots between conservative rhetoric in the past thirty years and racism. She quotes a particularly prophetic passage from Lee Atwater in 1982 that basically lays out the transition from overtly racist language to coded language couched in terms of "big government".
Finally, it seems unavoidable that some of this hostility derives from a fairly straightforward conflict of group interests. In order to create programs and economic opportunities that would significantly reduce poverty, it takes government spending -- on income and food support, on education, on housing allowances, and on public amenities for low-income people. Government spending requires taxation; and taxation reduces the income and wealth of households at the top of the ladder. So there is a fairly obvious connection between an anti-poverty legislative agenda and the material interests of the privileged in our economy.
These are a few hypotheses about where the animus to the poor comes from. But there is an equally important puzzle about the political passivity of the poor. It is puzzling to consider why the millions of people who are the subject of this hostility do not create a potent electoral block that can force significant changes on our political discourse. Why are poor people in Texas, Florida, and other non-adopting states not voicing their opposition to the governors and legislators who are sacrificing their health to a political ideology in the current struggles over Medicaid expansion?
Two factors seem to be relevant in explaining the political powerlessness of the poor. One is the gerrymandering that has reached an exact science in many state legislatures in recent years, with unassailable majorities for the incumbent party. This means that poor people have little chance of defeating conservative candidates in congressional elections. And second are the resurgent efforts that the Supreme Court enabled last summer to create ever-more onerous voting requirements, once again giving every appearance of serving the purpose of limiting voter participation by poor and minority groups. So conservative incumbents feel largely immune from the political interests that they dis-serve.
This topic hasn't gotten the attention it deserves in studies of American politics. One exception is the work of Frances Fox Piven and Richard Cloward. In Poor People's Movements: Why They Succeed, How They Fail
Most poor people are "working poor" and are not homeless. But there are hundreds of thousands of homeless people in the United States, and their living conditions are horrible.
(*About 20,000 homeless kids are forced into prostitution every year. Without shelter, guidance, or a means to care for themselves, these kids are easy prey for sex traffickers. Criminals know every child has a breaking point when they'll do anything for food and shelter.)
"We tend to think that the left supports the redistribution of wealth and income, whilst the "right" opposes it. This is not true. Many rightists favor redistribution, and not merely to bankers and bosses, simply because pretty much any policy intervention is redistributive...The questions are: between whom should governments redistribute, and how? The principle that governments should redistribute has long been conceded."
GOP MYTHS: The haves in society (the makers) got that way through their own moral behavior, hard work, and they deserve to keep every penny that they earn. The have-nots (the takers) made poor choices, are lazy, and would prefer to sponge off the social insurance system rather than do hard work.
ReplyDeleteTHE FACTS: The Republicans and their wealthy masters are all greedy, cruel and selfish assholes who will burn in Hell and suffer for eternity.