CORRECTION: The 6th Democratic debate is tomorrow tonight (Bernie Sanders vs. Hillary Clinton). It will air at 6 p.m. Pacific / 9 p.m. Eastern on CNN and PBS on February 11th.

These are the FINAL results for the GOP and Dems (100% of results)
- Bernie Sanders had the most votes of all the candidates (Dem or GOP)
- Bernie Sanders had more votes than Donald Trump.
- Donald Trump had more votes than Hillary Clinton.
- Bernie Sanders swept majorities of independents, young people, men and women.
- Biggest excuse for Hillary's loss was that New Hampshire was too White.
- Same reason was given for why Clinton only won by 0.4% in Iowa (too White)
- Clinton is expected to do better with African-Americans in southern States and big cities.
100% of results of New Hampshire primary |
Bernie Sanders | 151,584 votes | 60.4% of the Democrats |
Donald Trump | 100,406 votes | 35.3% of the Republicans |
Hillary Clinton | 95,252 votes | 38.0% of the Democrats |
John Kasich | 44,909 votes | 15.8% of the Republicans |
Exit polls showed:
- 83% of 18 to 29 years voted for Bernie
- 66% of 30-44 year-olds voted for Bernie
- 53% of 45 to 64-year-olds voted for Bernie (Hillary got 55% from those 65 and older)
- 8-in-10 say that Sanders shares their values
- Two-thirds say his positions on issues are about right
- 8-in-10 would be satisfied if he were the nominee
- Seven in 10 women under 45 voted for Sanders
- Fewer than half the New Hampshire Democrats polled find Clinton to be honest and trustworthy, a stark difference from Sanders.
- 40% say they'd like the next president to pursue more liberal policies than Obama, and Sanders carries more than 80% of their votes.
Other factors that weren't mentioned:
- An ABC News/Washington Post poll shows that most people would be the most comfortable and the least anxious with Bernie Sanders.
- An average of all the online polls (taken to date) shows that an overwhelming and vast majority of voters favored Bernie Sanders over Hillary Clinton.
- An average of all polls at Real Clear Politics shows 78% of Americans disapprove of Congress.
- Bernie Sanders has the highest approval rating of all members of Congress.
- But yet, so far most members of Congress have endorsed Hillary Clinton! Clearly our elected representatives are NOT doing the will of The People.
California Senator Dianne Feinstein made threats: "I think when someone starts to look into Bernie Sanders' record, sure, things change ... there are a lot of technical things that show a person's record that just haven't come out yet, and I think later on there is room for that." Virginia Senator Tim Kaine predicted the nomination fight would be all but over after all the results come in on Super Tuesday on March 1st. He said Clinton would compile a lead in delegates giving her a clear a path to prevail. Maryland Senato Ben Cardin: "Regardless of what happens in New Hampshire, I think the way that Secretary Clinton has organized her campaign, her talent, her message, that the nominating process and the close proximity of primaries coming up from now until June, give her the momentum she needs to get the nomination." Senator Chuck Schumer, D-New York, waved off CNN's question about the fallout from a loss and prolonged fight saying only as he walked into an elevator on Capitol Hill, "Hillary is going to be our nominee." (Yes, and may the popular vote be damned.)
According to Town Hall, the Democratic nomination process is rigged to give Hillary Clinton all the establishment delegates to elect her:
Last night, Senator Bernie Sanders crushed Hillary Clinton in the New Hampshire primary, taking 60% of the vote to Clinton’s 38%. By simple logic, this should mean that Sanders receives more party delegates from the state than Clinton. In a shocking twist to the lopsided victory for Sanders, the opposite is true. Out of the 24 “pledged” delegates in New Hampshire, Sanders walks away with 13 while Clinton takes 9. Two delegates are not yet allotted to either candidate. But complicating the primary math are the additional delegates, “superdelegates,” that are shaping up to be Clinton’s insurance plan against the Sanders insurgency. Superdelegates are not decided by popular vote; they are Democrat party officials who can support whichever candidate they choose. (Yes, and may the popular vote be damned.)
The African-American Vote Could Decide the Fate of the Nation
The latest National poll from Reuters shows Bernie has been gradually catching up to Clinton, now being almost in a virtual tie. It appears that the African-American vote could easily put Bernie over the top. But...
Reuters (February 10, 2016) Bernie Sanders is due to have breakfast with Al Sharpton just hours after trouncing Hillary Clinton in the New Hampshire. Sanders will meet with Sharpton in the same Harlem restaurant where he met with Obama during his 2008 presidential campaign. Clinton consistently polls better among African-American voters, and plays a crucial role in the Democratic race as it moves to South Carolina and other states that are more diverse than New Hampshire or Iowa. Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook said, "It will be very difficult, if not impossible, for a Democrat to win the nomination without strong levels of support among African American and Hispanic voters. (African Americans and Hispanics comprise 35 percent of the Democratic party). He predicted Hillary Clinton will win the Democratic race in March when it quickly expands to 22 delegate-rich states with some of the largest minority and urban populations. But as black and Hispanic voters became more familiar with Sanders through televised presidential debates, they seemed to like him more, with his favorability ratings rising slightly among those groups over the last few months (Just as I said here)
Hillary Clinton: "That's what they offered."
In this short 2½ minute clip you see U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder say banks are too large and bankers can't be jailed or it could destroy the world economy. Then you see him in a campaign ad for Hillary Clinton. Then you see her at a recent campaign rally just after losing the New Hampshire primary saying no banks are too big to fail and no bankers are too powerful to jail. Then you hear her explain why she took money from bankers.
Link at YouTube:
Schedule for the remaining States when Democrats vote (and their remaining debates):
February 11 — Democratic debate on PBS/CNN
February 20 — Nevada
February 27 — South Carolina
March 1 (Super Tuesday) Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Georgia, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont and Virginia
March 5 — Kansas, Louisiana and Nebraska
March 6 — Maine (Democratic debate to be announced)
March 9 — Democratic debate on Univision
March 8 — Michigan and Mississippi
March 15 (Super Tuesday Part 2) Florida, Illinois, Missouri, North Carolina and Ohio
March 22 — Arizona, Idaho and Utah
March 26 — Alaska, Hawaii and Washington
April — Democratic debate to be announced
April 5 — Wisconsin
April 9 — Wyoming
April 19 — New York
April 26 — Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania and Rhode Island
May — Democratic debate to be announced
May 3 — Indiana
May 10 — West Virginia
May 17 — Kentucky and Oregon
June 7 — California, Montana, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Dakota, South Dakota
June 14 — Washington D.C.
July — The Democratic National Convention is during the week of July 25th, 2016 in Philadelphia where the nominee is chosen.
As his supporters waited for Bernie Sanders to deliver his victory speech last night, they chanted, "We don't need no super PAC; Bernie Sanders has got our back." And he took them up on their offer, asking them to go online and donate right away. "That's our fundraiser. Pretty quick!" he said. (So many supporters had rushed online that his ActBlue donation site had crashed!)
Bernie won more votes than Hillary, and Hillary less votes than Trump. But Hillary is getting the “establishment” delegate votes to give her the Democratic nomination. So if she runs against Trump, and she gets less votes in the general election like she did against Trump in the New Hampshire primary, Trump will be our next President.
ReplyDeleteThe New Hampshire result suggests that Sanders is winning over the white voters who shunned Obama in 2008. Eight years ago, it was blue collar whites who sustained Clinton’s campaign through the end of the Democratic primary season, providing her the edge in must-win contests. If Sanders can continue to win these voters over, he may be in position to win far more states than most have assumed.
But Sanders still faces a stubborn deficit with black voters, who looms large in the upcoming South Carolina primary, and he’ll have to make gains with them to win the nomination.
But after New Hampshire, it may be time to stop measuring Sanders’ 2016 campaign against Obama’s ’08 effort and to consider the possibility that Sanders is creating a new coalition right before our eyes.
(* To all black voters: PLEASE FEEL THE BERN!"
.@Blklivesmatter @BernieSanders #BlackLivesMatter should fully endorse #BernieSanders because white folks want change too.
Since the polls closed in New Hampshire yesterday evening, we have received more than 150,000 contributions from people across the country for a grand total of $5.2 million... in just 18 hours.
ReplyDeleteI’ve read that Bernie Sanders has been breaking all of Obama’s previous fundraising efforts – and Obama had superPACs and Wall Street donations! Ironically, if by chance Bernie breaks through the wall of super-delegates (and not just winning the popular vote) and wins the Democratic nomination, he’ll have the Democrats supporting him with their superPACS in the general election — whether or not Bernie wants them or even needs them.
DeleteThe Nation:
ReplyDeleteBernie Sanders won a decisive victory, defeating the most formidable machine in American politics by more than 20 percent ... Sanders led among almost every demographic—younger voters, liberals, white men, and even women. His lead among working-class voters was particularly pronounced ... a stunning reversal of fortune for Clinton since 2008, when she, not President Obama, was seen as the standard bearer for lower-income whites ...
Executive director of Democracy For America, whose members voted by more than eight to one to endorse Sanders: "The biggest losers tonight are the political establishment — in both parties. They threw everything they could at Bernie and they couldn’t stop his momentum."
Is hope contagious? We are about to find out.
The Guardian:
ReplyDeleteA record number of New Hampshire voters queued in freezing traffic jams until well after polls were due to close to pick a Democrat and Republican candidate to run for president who had, until recently, belonged to neither party.
From their very different perspectives, Sander and Trump railed against the system of campaign finance ... On one side of the fence, Trump claims how easy it is to buy political influence and is choosing to renounce his old ways by paying for this campaign himself. On higher moral ground, Sanders is beating Clinton’s rich backers by raising $20 million a month from a record number of small contributors.
Sanders: “We have sent a message that will echo from Wall Street to Washington, from Maine to California, and that is, the government of our great country belongs to all of the people, and not just a handful of wealthy campaign contributors and their Super Pacs. We served notice to the political and economic establishment of this country that the American people will not continue to accept a corrupt campaign finance system that is undermining American democracy."
Walmart and Goldman Sachs, the two companies Sanders most frequently chooses to exemplify the “rigged economy” both have strong ties to the Clinton family. Hillary was a board director of Wal-mart Stores for six years and recieved over $600,000 in speaking fees from Goldman Sachs — while her daughter Chelsea is married to a former employee of the bank.
According to exit polling in New Hampshire, the only demographics Clinton won here were those aged over 65 and those earning more than $200,000 a year – a reversal of her comeback against Obama in 2008 when she won the state with the help of blue-collar workers.
Tim Cook (not the CEO of Apple, but a Republican from North Carolina) got as many votes in New Hampshire’s GOP primary as a former presidential candidate and former Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal.
On CNN yesterday former White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said: "I don't think there is any doubt that (the president) wants Hillary to win the nomination and believes that she would be the best candidate in the fall and the most effective as president in carrying forward what he's achieved.”
Obama went from "Hope and Change" in 2008 to "the better of two evils" in 2012 to "total sellout" in 2016.