* Editor's Note: The article begins after these updated links:
UPDATE (October 12, 2015)
"Garbage, Total B.S." -- Reagan aides and biographers blast Chronic
Fabricator Bill O'Reilly over his new book. http://mediamatters.org/blog/2015/10/09/garbage-total-bs-reagan-aides-and-biographers-b/206068
Killing Media Matters: Bill O’Reilly throws tantrum after his ‘BS’ book
is exposed.
UPDATE (May 2015)
"Bill O'Reilly doesn't think the Rich are Rich Enough" (With a
comment about Bruce Bartlett's new report on Fox News)
Watch David Corn Discuss Threats From Bill O'Reilly With Rachel Maddow—Thu
Feb. 26, 2015
CBS Has Released the Falklands Protest Footage Bill O'Reilly Asked For. It
Doesn't Support His Claims: The Fox News host says he was in a "war
zone" where police gunned down civilians. The video doesn't show that.—By
David Corn and Daniel Schulman Mon Feb. 23, 2015
These Are the Questions Bill O'Reilly Won't Answer: Why won't the Fox News host
address the evidence he mischaracterized his wartime reporting experience?—By
David Corn Fri Feb. 20, 2015
Bill O'Reilly Has His Own Brian Williams Problem: The Fox News host has said he
was in a "war zone" that apparently no American correspondent reached.—By
David Corn and Daniel Schulman Thu Feb. 19, 2015
I wonder if Bill O'Reilly is a vain man. Does he have someone on his staff Google
his name every day, just to see what other people might be saying about him? If
so, then I suppose he's also aware of another
post I did about him - and he also knows about the
book I published about his employer and the thugs he affiliates with. And
besides this post, I'm sure O'Reilly has also heard about Jon Stewart's latest
Jon Stewart recently mocked Bill O'Reilly (and rightly so) in
this very funny video posted at the Huffington Post, for his now-infamous threat to quit his
show (The O'Reilly Factor on Fox News which is owned
by News Corp) if Obama were ever to raise taxes on millionaires and
I don't know why good ole Bill (the guy that's just "lookin' out for
you") is always whining like a stuck pig when it comes to taxing billionaires....when
I would only like to tax
Bill O'Reilly the same as me, someone whose only income last year was from 6
months of unemployment benefits. Wouldn't that be "fair and balanced"?
Or would that be considered "class
warfare"? Tax HIM at the same effective tax rate as ME
for federal income taxes - whether it be 10%, 25%, or even 50% of all our TOTAL personal
annual income. Just tax us the same percent. Is that too much to ask from good
ole Bill?
If 20% of the whole population has 80% of all the wealth, then it only stands
to reason that they should also be paying 80% of all the taxes. It only makes
Bill O'Reilly has been constantly complaining that the "Liberal Left" is
waging "class warfare" by asking our government to raise taxes - just a
little more - on JUST the uber-rich. But in reality, it's the majority of everyone on both sides of the political isle that wants to raise taxes on millionaires
and billionaires; so that they're all paying AT LEAST the same effective tax rate as
everybody else. Wouldn't that be "fair and balanced"? Or would that be
considered "class
And Bill O'Reilly wouldn't be alone. We'd be taxing other wealthy people too,
such as: Paul Ryan, Sean Hannity, Eric Cantor, Glenn Beck, Rick Santorum, Rupert
Murdoch, the Koch bothers, Michele Bachmann, Paul Rand, Nikki Haley, Rush
Limbaugh, Newt Gingrich, Herman Cain, Mitt Romney, and all the rest of those
greedy and hypocritical liars. (That's odd. All the same people who are condemning raising taxes on millionaires!)
Bill O'Reilly, being a multi-millionaire himself (with a net worth of $50
million) is nothing more than a fox at Fox News in the hen house. Of
course Bill O'Reilly doesn't want to see HIS taxes go higher (as if he already
doesn't have too much.)
Who's lookin' out for you? Is it a nice, friendly, pleasant, and kindly old man who could be your uncle - and
who has no personal ulterior motives at all? Or is he nothing more than a
greedy, jealous, and petty rich bully, and a perverted sexual predator, who defends the rich at the expense of the poor - and lies to
the general public to keep from paying his own fair share of taxes, and all at the expense of our national debt and budget shortfalls?
I think the latter.
Isn't Bill O'Reilly really just a big mouth who always talks over other
people and bullies his guests (except for Jon Stewart), and always slants his opinions to
deceitfully mislead the general public based on his own selfish and ideological views? Does he really
"report", or just blather and pontificate like an egoistical fool?
I report, you decide. Bud Meyers, Blogster-at-Large, discusses "Fair and Balanced".
Now let's go back 15 years....
Bill O'Reilly was hired by Roger Ailes, chairman and CEO of the then startup Fox News
Channel, to anchor The O'Reilly Report in October, 1996. (The show was
later renamed The O'Reilly Factor).
Less than a month later that same year Bill O'Reilly married the much younger
Maureen E. McPhilmy, a public relations (PR) executive, on November 2, 1996.
Bill O'Reilly and his young wife had met four years earlier and their wedding took place in
St. Brigid Parish of Westbury. Two years later they had a daughter, Madeline (born 1998)
- and then later a son, Spencer (born 2003). Bill O'Reilly currently resides
ALONE in his suburban Manhasset, New
York* mansion (more on this below).
* Manhasset is a hamlet and neighborhood in Nassau County, New York, on the
North Shore of Long Island (As of ten years ago the population was
only 8,362). In 2005, a Wall Street Journal article ranked Manhasset as the best town for raising a family in the New York metropolitan area.
The Manhasset neighborhood is served by the Long Island Rail Road, which provides
a direct and convenient access to Fox News (News Corp) in mid-town
Manhattan in New York City.
A year after Bill O'Reilly's son Spencer was born, a woman named Andrea Mackris
(33), who was a former producer for The O'Reilly Factor, sued O'Reilly
(then 55) for sexual harassment on October 13, 2004, seeking $60 million in damages.
In her lawsuit with the Supreme Court of the State of New York, she produced quotations from alleged explicit phone conversations between herself and O’Reilly in which he
"advised her to use a vibrator and told her about sexual fantasies involving
her". According to several published reports, as part of the settlement
O'Reilly likely paid Mackris millions of dollars, but the terms of the agreement are
confidential. Bill O'Reilly settled the sexual harassment lawsuit without taking
personal responsibility for his actions an apology.
The following year in 2005 O'Reilly began to periodically denounce George Tiller, a Kansas-based physician who performed abortions, referring to him as "Tiller the baby killer".
Later Tiller was murdered on May 31, 2009 by an anti-abortion activist.
Some media watchdog organizations such as Media Matters and Fairness
and Accuracy in Reporting have criticized O'Reilly's reporting on a variety
of issues, accusing him of distorting facts and using misleading or erroneous
Using analysis techniques developed in the 1930s by the Institute for Propaganda
Analysis, a study concluded that O'Reilly used propaganda, frequently engaged in name calling, and consistently cast non-Americans as threats.
O'Reilly has long said that he does not identify with any political party,
but on December 6, 2000, The Daily News in New York reported that he had been registered
as a Republican in the state of New York since 1994.
After the September 11, 2001 attacks, O'Reilly accused the United Way of America
and American Red Cross of failing to deliver millions of dollars in donated money to the families of those killed in the
attacks. Actor George Clooney accused O'Reilly of misstating facts and harming the relief effort by inciting "panic" among potential donors.
In 2007 "Bill O'Reilly threatened on national
radio to come to my house and 'surprise me' ."
In 2008 amidst reports of a scuffle breaking out, in
this video Bill O'Reilly tells Fox News Brian Wilson what happened at a Barack Obama rally:
"I had to gently remove someone from blocking our camera shot...I might have called him an
SOB [son-of-a-bitch]...no one on this Earth is going to block a shot on the O'Reilly
On October 14, 2010 on The View O'Reilly said: "Muslims killed us on 9/11."
That same year in 2010 Bill O'Reilly's wife Maureen McPhilmy purchased a new house, just down the street from the Long Island home
she'd once shared with "Bill-O" since 2002.
O'Reilly still owns the old one (pictured below). And Fox News isn't saying whether they still live together.
"Maureen O'Reilly" bought a five bedroom, 5,282 square foot home in Manhasset, NY, in May of last year for $2.5 million. The new house is less than half a mile from the
waterfront Manhasset mansion she and O'Reilly have lived in with their kids for nearly a decade. She's listed, under her maiden
name ("Maureen McPhilmy") as its sole owner. Bill O'Reilly, on the other hand, continues to be listed as the sole owner of the old place.
Bill's "old" place (He's just one of your "regular
O'Reilly purchased this 5-bedroom, 4,631 sq ft estate BEFORE the Bush
tax cuts in 2000 for exactly $3 million (according to public records). So AFTER
the proposed Obama tax hikes in 2011, will poor Bill O'Reilly then be forced to
sell his cozy little house?
As of this post Roger Ailes of Fox News is
now saying Bill O'Reilly "hates" Sean Hannity because he's jealous of his radio success
(and thus confirming years of rumors about the animosity between the
two). Like "penis envy", one millionaire envying another
millionaire....while 21 million Americans are jobless, as 10 million might be
without unemployment benefits 4 months from today, as 45 million Americans depend on food
stamps to survive, and 15% of the nation is now living in poverty.
But Bill O'Reilly cries like a baby if his taxes go up just a little bit. And
he wants all his viewers to feel sympathy for him. He wants everyone to think
that "the left" and Obama and 80% of the nation wants to unfairly
"redistribute" his wealth. Poor, poor, Bill O'Reilly! And he's one of
those who wants to "reform" Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and
food stamps. Is
he evil or what?
Can you trust Bill O'Reilly's criticism of taxing
millionaires when HE HIMSELF is an uber-rich multi-millionaire?
Besides his radio show (and his gig at Fox News which pays him $10
million a year) Bill O'Reilly has authored ten books, and is making a ton on
book royalties, which should be reported to the IRS on a Schedule C
form, and is subject the
self-employment tax rate of 15.3% (minus a ton of deductions).
Hey Bill...are you really lookin' out for me, or just for yourself?
How Fox News wants to promote job growth.
More reading:
Jon Stewart Mocks 'Helpless' Millionaires Who Say Obama Starting Class Warfare
Bill O'Reilly Strikes Back At Jon Stewart (VIDEO)
Fire Bill
O'Reilly (A blog devoted to him)
My Posts:
O'Reilly Fears "Left Wing Loons" Rioting in America
of Class War, Positive Sum Game, No Class Tax Plan
Candidates - Millionaires Representing Millionaires
and Millionaires - Class Warfare and Greed
Taxing ONLY the Millionaires and Billionaires
Tax Reform - Tax Millionaires Like Everybody Else
the Going Gets Tough, the Rich Get Going