Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Surrogates remain in denial after IG Report on Clinton's Email Server

All the usual suspects (Clinton's hardcore surrogates) were scrambling around like cockroaches all day long trying to do damage control for their presumptive Presidential nominee.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

TPP Trade Deal: Bernie "No", Obama "Yes", Clinton "Maybe"

( * I haven't been blogging much lately because I've been posting a lot of mini-blogs at my Tweeter account. Maybe it's just a passing fad, and I'll start doing more blogging soon. Meanwhile, I'm sometimes here at Twitter: — or I'm responding to comments at my YouTube channel:

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

New NBC Poll should be used as Toilet Paper

What good is having a poll if Comcast/NBC/MSNBC doesn't even report the full results? Was it to influence voter sentiment just prior to the Democratic primaries in Kentucky and Oregon today?

First of all, take note that as of January 11, 2016 a Gallop poll showed:

Rigged Elections cause Social Unrest, Prelude to Democratic Convention

The mockery of democracy that took place at the Nevada Democratic State Convention on May 14th is nothing more than a dress rehearsal for what we will witness in July.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Bernie or Bust

If you are over 55 years old (like I am), and don't worry about a higher minimum wage, and don't need free college tuition, and already have adequate healthcare insurance, are White and don't fear racial injustice, is a man and doesn't worry about equal pay for women, is straight and doesn't worry about LGBT issues, is an American citizen and doesn't worry about immigration issues, and no longer works and doesn't fear bad trade deals — does it really matter who the next president is?

Friday, May 13, 2016

Blatantly Missing from CNN and MSNBC today

Most of the stories today were about Trump's phone call from the 1990's when he was recorded masquerading as his own publicist. The media seemed very upset with him because Trump (OMG!) might have lied to the corporate media! Can you believe it! Almost as bad as lying to the FBI or God!

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Media blames Sanders for Trump's attacks on Clinton

Andrea Mitchell (net worth $5 million) is a host on MSNBC, which is owned by Comcast, which is being accused of violating net neutrality. Andrea Mitchell is also the wife of former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan (net worth $10 million). Andrea Mitchell recently blamed Bernie Sanders for staying in the Democratic race as a reason for all of Donald Trump's mean attacks against poor Hillary Clinton.

Proof: The Democratic Party is as Corrupt as Cancer

For decades Bernie Sanders, as an Independent, has worked as an outsider inside our political system to effect positive change in American policy. Because, just like the Republican Party, the Democratic Party was far too corrupt to reform — so he had to work from within the existing system. But without the bully pulpit of the presidency, as a member of Congress from the State of Vermont, there's only so much he can do. And that's why if Bernie Sanders doesn't win the Democratic nomination, he should dump the Democrats, be true to himself, and run as a Independent for President — and start a brand new political party. Considering how the entire political system was rigged against him from the very beginning (with the complete cooperation of the media that backs Hillary Clinton), it's nothing short of a miracle that Bernie Sanders has been doing as well as he has been in the Democratic primary. Below are few excerpts from some very recent articles that should convince you that Bernie should dump the Democrats the very next day after the convention if he doesn't become the presidential candidate. He's our last chance. (You MUST watch the video at the end of this post!)

Monday, May 9, 2016

The Obama/Clinton Korean Trade Deal Doubled the Trade Deficit

In 2008, presidential candidate Hillary Clinton opposed the trade deal with Korea, and was reportedly "spearheading the opposition" against it. Then as Secretary of State, she considered it a “model agreement” and one of her “top priorities,” as she lobbied members of Congress to pass the deal. Now, as a candidate once again, Clinton has come full circle by wholly rejecting the agreement that she had recently pushed for.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Anonymous Message to Hillary Clinton

Anonymous (Official) - Message to Hillary Clinton 

Anonymous (Official) - Hillary Clinton: A Career Criminal

Thursday, May 5, 2016

What the Media can learn from Sanders' Indiana Victory

Bernie Sanders, after winning the Democratic primary in the State of Indiana:

“The Clinton campaign thinks this is over. They’re wrong. Maybe it’s over for the insiders and the party establishment, but the voters in Indiana had a different idea. The campaign wasn’t over for them. It isn’t over for the voters in West Virginia. It isn’t over for Democrats in Oregon, New Jersey and Kentucky. It isn’t over for voters in California and all the other states with contests still to come.” 

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

The Democratic Primary is Rigged #ExitPollGate

During the 2016 primary, exit polls for the Democratic elections have been wildly inaccurate, while the Republican exits polls have been dead on.

Bernie Sanders should run as an independent

If the Democratic Party nominates Hillary Clinton as presidential candidate at the July convention, Bernie Sanders should run as an independent or third party candidate in the November presidential elections.

When the Woman Card isn't Enough

Monday, May 2, 2016

Bernie Sanders in California with Latinos

Early into the Democratic primary, Hillary Clinton dominated the deep South, whereas Bernie Sanders has won most states in which the African-American population numbered no more than 10 percent.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Democrats trying to hijack Bernie's Political Revolution

Will Bernie get Burned at the Convention?

The Clinton campaign and the media — such as the cable news channels like CNN and MSNBC) — are acting as though the 2106 Democratic primary is already over after Bernie lost 4 of the 5 States that voted last Tuesday. Actually, they were behaving that way since Bernie lost New York. No, they've been in that mode since Bernie lost Iowa to Clinton by 0.03%.

Quick note to Cenk Uygur - The Young Turks

Regarding your post at CNBC: The revolution is not over: How Bernie Sanders can still win (posted April 29, 2016), you write: