Saturday, April 30, 2016

Can "Sore Loser" laws prevent Bernie Sanders from running as an Independent?

Among the world's democracies, the United States has by far the worst ballot access situation. Each state writes its own ballot access laws, even for federal office. Sometimes these laws clearly are intentionally written to force one- or two-party domination. Since there is no single standard for the whole nation, the public and even the media are generally ignorant about ballot access laws.

Here's why Kevin Jones is a Slime Ball

* Just a quick note, because I'm busy with another project, but I had to post something. In his article at Mother Jones, Kevin Jones writes: Here's Why I Never Warmed Up to Bernie Sanders — and he follows it ups with another post: In Which I Respond to My Critics About the Bernie Revolution. So I respond to some Kevin Jones's remarks in his first post with my own comments.

Why should Bernie run as an Independent? Because he’d win.

Bernie Sanders has already insisted that he would back whoever the Democratic nominee may be; and has wife Jane has said he won't risk splitting the Democratic party ticket and giving Trump a win. Of course, many people will argue that many of the people who are supporting Bernie aren't even Democrats (so there's nothing to "split") — and many wouldn't have even voted if Bernie had not been in the race. And as far as "Berniecrats" are concerned, their "party" is already united (therefore, there's nothing to "unify").

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Bernie Sanders didn't lose last night, the working-class did.

Politico (April 28, 2016) Ralph Nader on Bernie Sanders: "If independent voters could vote in those primaries this last Tuesday, he would have won them all."

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

55 Promises Hillary Clinton won't Keep

“If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit.” — W.C. Fields

Monday, April 25, 2016

No, mainstream media, Bernie Sanders in NOT dropping out

Why doesn't the media ever ask Hillary Clinton: "If Bernie Sanders wins the nomination, will you and your supporters endorse and support Bernie Sanders?"

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Pew: The Electorate is Ripe for Bernie Sanders

There is a large group of Americans who don't have a political party to represent them ... and they are being forced into voting for the "lesser of two evils" — voting out of fear, rather than from inspiration. Bernie Sanders is their only hope, and it may be their only chance in their lifetime. Some of them have already waited a lifetime for someone like Bernie Sanders to come along, and they don't have time to wait or build on another new movement. This was the time and place for them. And younger voters may not see another candidate like Bernie Sanders for generations to come — when they are far too old to have a future to believe in anymore. It might be now or never — Bernie or Bust.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Democrats haven't been voting for Bernie Sanders ...


In 2006 Senator Obama endorsed Bernie Sanders

10 years ago in March 2006, then-Senator Barack Obama campaigned for Bernie Sanders in Vermont.

Bernie Sanders won more votes in NY than Obama

And last night Bernie got more votes than both Donald Trump and John Kasich combined. But where were the big headlines?

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Clinton dirty tactics used on Obama is used on Sanders


The Guardian (January 21, 2008) Obama said he had been working in the slums of Chicago while Clinton "was a corporate lawyer sitting on the board of WalMart". Clinton retaliated that Obama had represented a slum landlord.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Hillary Clinton's Promise to Goldman Sachs

During the 4th Democratic primary debate, the moderator had asked Hillary Clinton what the biggest differences were between her and Bernie Sanders regarding the danger of big banks and the fraudulent behaviors of their executives that led up to the crash of the economy in 2008. Clinton replied:

New Bernie Sanders Ad: "The Sound of Sanders"

Awesome new ad by New York Progressives, beginning with the very end of Bernie Sanders's closing statement during the 9th Democratic debate in Brooklyn New York. Because of all the cheering and chants of "Bernie!", Hillary Clinton had to wait 30 seconds to make her closing statement. (a very creative and moving ad).

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Hillary Clinton's Vermont Gun Lie NOT Explained

Will all know "why" Hillary Clinton put out the statement: "The state that has the highest per capita number of those guns that end up committing crimes in New York come from Vermont."

Friday, April 15, 2016

New York Debate: Sanders vs. Clinton on Foreign Policy

Don't trust short cable news sound bites from CNN and MSNBC!

* NOTE: This is an update to a post where I posted a 10-minute video of the segments in the debate that dealt with the minimum wage and raising the cap for Social Security.

New York Debate: Minimum Wage and Social Security (Sanders vs Clinton)

  • WHO: Senator Bernie Sanders and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
  • WHAT: Democratic Primary Debate
  • WHEN: Thursday, April 14, 2016 — 9 p.m. to 11 p.m. ET
  • WHERE: Brooklyn Navy Yard's Duggal Greenhouse, 63 Flushing Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11205, United States
  • WHY: Because the Democratic Party machine wants to nominate Hillary Clinton and "the people" want Bernie Sanders
  • HOW: On cable TV at CNN (and locally on NY1), online at CNNgo, on Sirius XM — and on YouTube. (The entire debate was posted at the Bernie 2016 TV Channel after being LIVE streamed. Now, for some reason, you have to manually move the timeline to the very beginning.)

CNN, MSNBC and Clinton's Copyright Claims on FREE Speech

The 5-minute video below is an interesting rant by a guy who streamed the Democratic debate last night, talking about political free speech.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Dr. Song Attacked by Corporate Media Whores

Paul Y. Song is a physician, healthcare activist and a biotechnology chief medical officer. He is also an advocate for Medicare for All. He's a good man.

Mass Protests Today, Cable News Might Ignore

This is why today there will be a mass walk out in a Fight for $15 protest...

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

New York Daily News Endorses Beatch Hillary Clinton

The New York Daily News (a tabloid New York City "newspaper") just endorsed the biggest advocate for Wall Street, Madame Hillary Rodham Clinton. Why are we not surprised?

Monday, April 11, 2016

Hillary Clinton's Ruthless Quest for a "Legacy"

Under a law signed by President Obama in January 2013, all former U.S. Presidents and First Ladies can receive lifetime Secret Service protection.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Saturday, April 9, 2016

California: When the other Clinton won a Nomination

Almost a year ago this month (on April 30, 2015), the Independent Senator from the State of Vermont, Bernie Sanders, took off a few minutes from work to stand outside in front of the U.S. capital to hold a short press conference.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Is Obama sexist? MSNBC's Joan Walsh might think so.

If any other male (a man of any color), other than Senator Bernie Sanders were currently running against Hillary Clinton in the Democratic primary in 2016, would they also be sexist?

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

New York Rag Slanders Sanders

Over the past 13 months in the State of New York (see the interactive chart below), Bernie Sanders has gone from being down 46.1% to Hillary Clinton in the Democratic primary to being down only 10.4% —

Monday, April 4, 2016

MSNBC's Rachel Maddow no longer hides her Corporate Piggery

The skanky corporate media was at it again, having a female talking head trying to invoke women's fears by implying that a vote for Bernie Sanders could jeopardize a woman's right to choose

A Card-Carrying Berniecrat

"Are you now, or have you ever been, a member of the Berniecratic Party?"

"You're damn straight I am!"

It's time for a third political party — or maybe even fourth and fifth party. The current Democratic Party and the Republican Party didn't always have a dual-chokehold on American politics.

Bernie Sanders will raise Stagnate Wages, Tax all Yachts 

Most Americans believe that a rising tide should lift all boats — and that as the economy expands, everybody should reap the rewards. And for two-and-a-half decades beginning in the late 1940s, that was how our economy worked. Over this period, the pay (wages and benefits) of typical workers rose in tandem with productivity (how much workers produce per hour). In other words, as the economy became more efficient and expanded, everyday Americans benefited correspondingly through better pay. But in the 1970s, this started to change.

Saturday, April 2, 2016

A Bernie Sanders interview Cable News would Never Air

Cenk Uygur -The Young Turks - Bernie Sanders

First this, from yesterday in the Chicago-Sun Times: Why the major media fail to see how Bernie Sanders can win (by Robert Reich, Secretary of Labor under President Bill Clinton):

Clinton campaign warns Sanders: "You better watch your tone!"

Bernie Sanders publicly challenged Hillary Clinton to face off on a debate stage in New York before the state's primary on April 19. But Joel Benenson, Hillary Clinton's campaign's chief strategist, said on CNN that Sanders needs to watch his "tone" when asked about Sanders' request for a New York debate:

Friday, April 1, 2016

Bernie Sanders's New York State of Mind

[Editor's note: This post might be considered a continuation from the post: Hillary Clinton comes unraveled in New York — which might be considered a continuation from the post: Hillary Clinton's New York Campaign Scandal]

Hillary Clinton comes unraveled in New York

On March 31, 2016 — about a 15-minute drive south from Hillary Clinton's mansion in Chappaqua, New York — a large group of Bernie Sanders supporters were camped outside SUNY Purchase College in Westchester County where Clinton was about to hold a pep rally. She had about 500 of her supporters at the college campus rally.