Thursday, March 31, 2016

Clinton lies about Sanders on Abortion, then expects his votes?

This post and 3 short videos below (posted at YouTube) perfectly illustrates how the media and Hillary Clinton took 9 words out of context from Bernie Sanders's 30-minute interview with MSNBC's Rachel Maddow to deliberately mislead the public into believing that Bernie Sanders doesn't take abortion rights for women seriously.

What some Trump and Sanders voters may have in common

"There’s nothing irrational about Donald Trump’s appeal to the white working class. They have every reason to be angry."

First, watch the 7½-minute video embedded below from a recent interview with Bernie Sanders on CNN with Erin Burnett while he was campaigning in Wisconsin. Erin asked Bernie about Hillary Clinton's campaign manager calling his request for a debate in New York ahead of their election a "publicity stunt" — to which Bernie said "game on" for a debate in Brooklyn.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

To the People of Wisconsin...

#FeelTheBern! (nuff said)

UPDATE: Bernies Sanders' third and final Wisconsin rally is today -NOW - live here -

While Bernie is in Wisconsin campaigning for your vote, Hillary Clinton will be hanging out with her own at a swanky New York City fundraiser with the former CFO of the investment back Morgan Stanley, where some attendees are bundling as much as $27,000.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Dear Shillary Clinton Sheeple,

What Hillary Clinton, ...

Hillary Clinton: "I plead the Fifth!"

New Bernie Sanders campaign logo

Politicians always say they "take full responsibility” every time they get caught lying, cheating or stealing (or screwing up really bad) — but they rarely pay any penalty for their willful misconduct or horrible "mistakes".

Monday, March 28, 2016

Hillary Clinton's New York Campaign Scandal

The State of New York holds a huge cache of delegates, and is currently Hillary Clinton's part-time home state, where she was once a senator and where her presidential campaign is now headquartered. It is also the home-base to many of her Wall Street super PAC donors...

Sunday, March 27, 2016

No President Can Fix Washington Corruption

(*Edited excerpts from David Lightman at

Supporters of Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders and Ted Cruz all share the same grievance. In 2016 America, the deepest divide is not between Democrats and Republicans. It’s not even between conservatives and liberals. It’s between "us" and "them" — The People versus The Establishment.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Will Obama and Lame Duck Congress pass TPP Trade Deal?

Just imagine . . . it's late at night on Christmas Eve and lightly snowing in Washington DC when President Obama calls for a special midnight session with Congress, while most Americans might be at home sleeping or wrapping presents. The very last thing on their minds was some newfangled international trade agreement. After all, the mainstream media (who's been busy bombarding them with Holiday commercials for weeks) has hardly even acknowledged that such pending legislation for a trade agreement had even existed.

Friday, March 25, 2016

CNN uses HEADLINES! to bolster Hillary Clinton

The CNN headline (the Clinton News Network) boldly declares: "CNN/ORC poll: Clinton tops Trump on presidential traits" (This was also repeated in the Washington Post newsletter today).

Bernie Sanders' new ad wrings tears

A new campaign ad released by Bernie Sanders features Representative Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii, who discusses the true cost of war: “What I saw in Bernie was a heart of aloha. No matter who you are or where you come from in this country, we are all in this together.”

Tulsi Gabbard is a 2 tour Veteran of the Iraq War. She resigned as vice-chair of the DNC so that she could endorse Bernie and campaign for him: “My name is Tulsi Gabbard and I support Bernie Sanders to be our next commander-in-chief.”

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Markos Moulitsas, founder Daily Kos, Hillary Clinton Troll

Earlier this week in an op-ed at The Hill, the founder of the so-called "liberal" blog Daily Kos, Markos Moulitsas, says it is time for Senator Bernie Sanders to bow out of the Democratic primary, and to let Hillary Clinton have all the delegates and be nominated without a fight, and surrendering to the oligarchs and plutocrats by ceding all of Bernie Sanders' hard-won votes to a well-known long-time pathological liar.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Polls that Cable News won't Show You

A Quinnipiac University poll shows Hillary Clinton leading Sanders by 12 points. It also shows that 54% of all voters overall (Democrats and Republicans alike) say they “would definitely not” vote for Donald Trump — and 43% of all voters overall say they “would definitely not” vote for Clinton.

Arizona Screwed Independent Voters

Hillary Clinton won BIG TIME in Arizona — 57.6% to Bernie Sanders's 39.9%
Donald Trump won BIG TIME too — 47.1% to Ted Cruz's 24.9%

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

MSNBC's Joan Walsh has a "White Problem"

Joan Walsh

This morning, after reading an article at The Nation (What's wrong with Bernie Sanders's strategy) I got really pissed. It was written by Joan Walsh (pictured above), who not only has a "man problem", but evidently (as a White woman?) also has a "White problem" as well.

The speech Bernie Sanders did NOT give at AIPAC

Bernie Sanders spoke about Israel and the Middle East in a speech at West High School in Salt Lake City, Utah on March 21, 2016 — the same day that the lobbying group AIPAC (The American Israel Public Affairs Committee) rejected him.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Clinton Operatives Infiltrate, Sabotage Sanders Campaign

March 20, 2016 -- Niko House Exposes Campaign Sabotage In North Carolina's Bernie Office

Sanders crushes Clinton among Youth and Independents

It's no coincidence that Bernie Sanders' campaign slogan is "A future to believe in." With Hillary Clinton, millennials and younger voters know that she offers nothing new or bold, and that's why they are gravitating towards Bernie Sanders.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Obama's Non-Legacy (and say NO to Hillary Clinton's Presidential Library)

(Excerpts from The Guardian) What will Barack Obama's legacy be? After he was elected on a tidal wave of optimism by promising to heal America’s wounds, did he deliver?

Clinton isn't Entitled to Bernie Sanders' Supporters

Why Hillary Clinton Is Not Entitled to Bernie Sanders’ Supporters — by Dominica R. Convertino: Graduate of the University of Michigan, Dearborn, with a degree in Political Science and Pre-Law, and minors in Philosophy and Women and Gender Studies.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Clinton vs. Obama & Sanders on Iraq War

Here is a fascinating 5 minute video of both then-Senator Barack Obama and Senator Bernie Sanders debating Hillary Clinton on the war in Iraq in 2008 and 2016.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

New Clinton Tactic to Beat Bernie Sanders

Now I understand the new Clinton strategy...

Because the primary elections (so far) have mostly been held in States that were already previously assumed to be Clinton's

Bernie Bro Launches Angry Tirade!

He doesn't want to make American "whole again" or "great again" — he just wants America to be much better than it is now.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

After March 15, Bernie can win every state!

This is very encouraging news if you are a Bernie Sanders supporter. Watch this short video, it will lift your spirts!

Ohio is One Dumb State

Their Democrats voted for a woman who helped offshore their best jobs; and their Republicans voted for someone who would raise their retirement age and cut their Social Security benefits. Stupid doesn't get any more stupid than that.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Thank Shillery Sheeple for President Trump!

I don't ever want to hear anyone complain again — "anyone" meaning, anyone who voted for Hillary Clinton. It's almost impossible to believe that those people watched any of the debates or forums, and just voted on the sounds bites, headlines and what the cable news shows were telling them. They made Donald Trump a very lucky man.

Media Bias Favors Trump and Hillary Clinton

[When 6 corporations control 90% of the media, what do you expect? Bernie Sanders would raise their taxes. Trump wouldn't; and Hillary — probably no so much. Trump is great for advertising ratings on the cable news channels too.]

Sanders supporters will NOT vote for $hillary Clinton

Posted below (in case you need to log in at the Nation to read) are comments from Bernie supporters in response to a very condescending article written by Joshua Holland at The Nation trying to use scare tactics to unite the Democrats after super-delegates fix the election to nominate $hillary Clinton — stealing the nomination from Bernie Sanders.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Before there was Hillarycare, there was Medicare

And then after Hillarycare had miserably failed (because it was not pragmatic and had been a "pie in the sky" idea at the time), there was Romneycare — and only then was there Obamacare.

Hillary Clinton's Campaign uses Stick and Stones

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Media Creates Trump, then Media Bashes Trump

Anybody who’s been inside bar and saw a fight break out, knows that an altercation between two people can quickly escalate into a full barroom brawl. When you get a lot of people together (like at those European soccer matches), there’s always a potential for violence to break out. And it can also happen at political rallies.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders vs The Establishment

(*This post was edited and excerpted for length from three articles. The first two were written by William Greider at The Nation.)

Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders

Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump Debate Campaign Finance

Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders sparred over campaign finance in the 8th Democratic debate on March 7th — as did Donald Trump and Ted Cruz in the 12th Republican debate on March 10th. Here they are together in this 5½ video, as though they're all together in one debate (embedded below, or watch at You tube.)

Reuters (March 10, 2016) Major U.S. hedge fund managers are on pace this year to more than double the amount they gave in the 2012 election campaign, with independent fundraising groups backing Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton and Republican rival Ted Cruz receiving the most so far.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

GOP Debate - March 10 - Social Security

Just a quick note, the debate is still going on. When there's a transcript available, I will post a link in the comments section...

On Email, Hillary Clinton "Above the Law"

I just heard about this on CNN, so I looked it up... (per

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Highlights of 8th Democratic Debate March 9, 2016 (Florida)

Post-debate Update:

The best zinger of the 8th democratic debate was made by Bernie Sanders — here, in his own words.

Monday, March 7, 2016

7th Democratic Debate: Best Recaps not on Cable News

  • The best 26 most relevant minutes of the 7th Democratic debate on March 6, 2016 in Flint, Michigan.

No Surprise: Bernie Wins 7th Debate, Media Disagrees

Bernie Sanders DID vote for the FIRST VERSION of the auto bailout. It was only when Congress added the Wall Street bailout did he vote against it because he didn't think it was fair that taxpayers bailout the criminal bankers who destroyed the economy. Unfortunately for Bernie, he didn't make that clear enough during the debate last night.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Friday, March 4, 2016

2016 Democratic Election/Debate Schedule

Below is next on the list of States to vote in the Democratic Primary, the 4 remaining Democratic primary debates, the DNC convention, and the Presidential/VP debate schedule (4 debates). Previous election results here.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Super Tuesday Democratic Primary Results & Schedule

But first, a short video of various segments from Hillary Clinton's Super Tuesday VICTORY speech with debunking comments, followed by Donald Trump's hilarious remarks about her speech.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Director of "The Big Short" warns of Hillary Clinton

Adam McKay, the screenwriter and director who recently won an Oscar for "The Big Short" — a movie about the Great Recession, which was triggered by the collapse of the housing market and the credit bubble because of the big bank's illegal activities — thanked Paramount Pictures for taking a risk on the movie.

And just like Senator Bernie Sanders, he warned people about voting for politicians like Hillary Clinton — candidates who take money from Wall Street and "weirdo billionaires".